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Global hub for citizen and data science research

Why is this important?

Bradford has an opportunity to build its reputation on Citizen & Data Science and Research. A number of initiatives already make a strong research capability building a critical mass – the question is how do we best join the dots, optimise these initiatives and build a reputation around it which Bradford can leverage to attract more investment, stir up some civic pride and feed into a Clean Growth Strategy Plan for the future.

What is our ambition?

Establish Bradford as a recognised leader in Citizen Science and a global centre for research by 2025.

The chart below represents a selection of the research initiatives and centres in place already each doing excellent work in their own fields. For example, the Bradford Life Critical Project is a shared mission to strengthen local planning towards a resilient, healthy, and thriving district through the establishment of an open smart digital city and citizen observatory.

An ambitious project that will use the digital twin of the district and make use of connected sensor networks and citizen science to tackle policy, planning, monitoring and management of challenges identified by the Council and our communities. This includes health and climate resilience (clean air and flood risk), clean growth strategies, future transport approaches, evacuation and disaster planning, urban/civic planning and regeneration, and culture and tourism.

Where are we now?

There are a number of ground breaking projects engaging in various research and citizen science such as shown in the chart below.

Some of the others are focused on population health management, some on innovation and growth. The question we asked ourselves was given there is an emerging landscape of research capability already here how could we capitalise on this, join the dots and optimise citizen value and economic growth? What are the missing ingredients to turn Bradford District into a globally recognised hub for citizen / data science research?

What are we going to do?

Many of the actions stated earlier in this theme will contribute to Bradford District’s reputation for data science research. Furthermore our proposal to strengthen our partnership working around AI Innovation and data discussed later will significantly contribute to our research capabilities. In addition to those actions we will:

  1. Complete an audit of all the Citizen Science initiatives underway and build the narrative and marketing documentation to promote the great work happening in Bradford to promote the work we do and the opportunities it can deliver to attract inward investment.
  2. A core aim of this theme is to drive societal transformation and adaptation by connecting citizens with science and public We will explore options with partners for a ‘living lab’ approach to spaces that foster dialogues and shared learning for the co-design and co-production of knowledge, and allowing communities to frame social, economic, cultural, and behavioural change to work towards. The initial areas identified are centred on climate action and the creative economy. Our capacity is strong in these areas grounded in Engineering through the SCORE project and complemented by the UoB Visualising Heritage team.

5 years on

What does ‘good’ look like?

Bradford is a recognised leader of Citizen Science and a global centre for research backed by a number of prestigious awards for its work with citizen science and public policy and the impact it has had on the health and wellbeing of our citizens.