Land on the north east side of Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council Local Government Act 1972

Notice is given by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council that it intends to dispose of an area of land having an area of approximately 271 square metres or thereabouts on land on the north east side of Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor, Bradford which is open space within the meaning of section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972.

The plan showing the open space land at the land on the north east side of Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor Bradford the Council proposes to dispose may be viewed below.

A copy of the plan can also be obtained by contacting the following Council officer, who will upon request, arrange for persons to be sent a copy of the plan:

Cormac Murtagh
Telephone: 01274 432263 or 07582 101752
Address: City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Britannia House, Bradford BD1 1HX.

Any objections or representations to the proposed disposal should be made in writing to Legal Services, City Hall, Bradford BD1 1HY quoting reference PCD/NR/416076 no later than 12 noon on 28 June 2024. The grounds for any objection should be stated.

Interim Director of Legal and Governance
City Hall