Wharfedale Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Wharfedale Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Promote local business and trade associations
  2. Promote learning and skills opportunities for everyone
  3. Promote Arts and Cultural Activities
Decent Homes and Visible Environment
  1. Promote Home Energy Efficiency and Grants schemes
  2. Support local groups with litter picking and other initiatives
  3. Support older residents to review energy efficiency
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Promote Youth In Mind initiative
  2. Help create empathetic school communities
  3. Promote community volunteering
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Support local health initiatives and support schemes
  2. Promote self-care
  3. Encourage and promote physical activity
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Promote Neighbourhood Watch
  2. Promote Crime Stoppers
  3. Liaise with Parish Councils on issues of concern in communities
A Sustainable District
  1. Encourage walking, cycling, use of public transport and car share schemes
  2. Promote initiatives such as ‘No Mow May’ to increase biodiversity
  3. Reduce air pollution, especially around schools, by adopting ‘no idling’ campaign

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Support local trade associations in promoting and establishing businesses 1. Thriving local economy 1. Number of new businesses and existing businesses feeling supported and flourishing * Business Forums, Parish Councils
2. Liaise with local libraries to raise awareness of learning opportunities and digital skills in conjunction with Worth Connecting 2. Residents develop skills which could enhance job prospects. Older people become digitally aware 2. Number of attendees attending courses * Community Libraries, Worth Connecting
3. Promote life enhancing Arts and Cultural activities 3. Improvement in quality of life. Awareness of career opportunities in creative sector 3. Numbers attending arts and cultural activities * Parish Councils, Menston Community Association, Burley Community Trust

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Decent Homes and the Visible Environment

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Organise events with partners, in each village, to promote energy efficiency, preparation for winter and Neighbourhood Watch scheme 1. Awareness raised of grants and schemes to assist with energy efficiency. Reassurance that neighbours are looking out for each other 1. Number of homes making energy efficiency improvements. Increase in Neighbourhood Watch schemes * Area Office, Parish Councils, Community Associations and Trust
2. Target older households, especially those with large properties and low incomes, to reduce energy consumption 2. More older households reducing energy consumption but maintaining a warm home 2. Feedback from residents and support services * Area Office, Parish Councils, Community Associations and Trust
3. Support Love Burley and Litter Free Menston with their initiatives 3. Improved visible environment 3. Numbers attending litter picks and registering to commit on a regular basis * Wharfedale Wombles, Litter Free Menston, Parish Councils, Area Office

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Promote Youth in Mind Programme and Young Carers’ project 1. Young people feel supported and quality of family life improves. Less referrals to statutory service 1. Number of young people accessing support * Youth Service, Burley Community Trust, Burley Community Leaders Group, Parish Councils
2. Encourage schools to participate in community initiatives such as Dementia Friends and autism awareness 2. Schools fully embrace and support initiatives 2. Numbers of children and young people involved * Schools, Area Office, Burley Dementia Action Group
3. Encourage young people to undertake voluntary work with local projects 3. Young people feel a greater sense of community pride and build relationships with other age groups 3. Increase in number of young people supporting local community projects * Schools, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Parish Councils

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with partners to encourage self care, promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity 1. Healthier, happier community 1. Feedback from residents and reduction in GP visits * Wharfedale and Silsden CP
2. Liaise with community centres, libraries, schools and faith groups to provide additional access and activities over winter 2. A wider range of venues and longer opening times over the winter 2. Increase in social interactions and a reduction in fuel consumption during day * Area Office, Community Leaders Group, Churches
3. Explore possibility of introducing ‘Walk from Home’ scheme, with partners, to encourage residents who have lost mobility and confidence to get out more 3. Reduction in number of isolated residents 3. All of above *Community Partnerships, Parish Councils, Community Associations and Trusts

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Promote Neighbourhood Watch to help reduce the fear of crime and build responsibility in the community 1. Residents embrace the initiative and take responsibility for co-ordinating the work. Less crime and fear of crime 1. Increase in number of Neighbourhood Watches * Police, Area Office, Parish Councils
2. Organise community safety events in each village, with partners, and raise awareness of fraud and scams 2. Residents feel safer and happier in their local community and better equipped to deal with unsolicited sales 2. Feedback, from residents, on how awareness raising has reduced their chance of being a victim of fraud or scams * Area Office, Police, Parish Councils, Community Associations and Trusts
3. Work with existing village groups to increase their membership and recruit younger volunteers 3. The work load would be more evenly spread and the groups would be more sustainable with new ideas and vision 3. Increase in membership of active groups with a lower average age * Area Office, Community Groups, Parish Councils, Community Associations and Trusts

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Encourage cycling, walking and use of public transport to help improve air quality 1. Less congestion. Better healthier lifestyles 1. Improve air quality * Area Office, Parish Councils, Climate Change Groups
2. Work with local climate action groups and Parish Councils to promote initiatives such as ‘No Now May’ to increase biodiversity 2. Raise local awareness of biodiversity. Increase in type of plants and wildlife and improved ecology 2. Number of groups participating * Area Office, Parish Councils, Climate Change Groups
3. Promote initiatives such as Men’s Sheds and Repair Cafes to reduce, reuse and upcycle resources 3. Reduction in waste going to landfill 3. Increase in number of sustainable groups in both villages * Area Office, Parish Councils, Community First Yorkshire, Community Associations and Trusts

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