Shipley Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Shipley Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Support and promote Careers Fairs and Apprenticeships
  2. Work with Enterprise Coaches to explore business start ups
  3. Encourage local shopping initiatives
Decent Homes
  1. Encourage residents to report unsatisfactory accommodation to landlords and/or housing standards
  2. Promote winter warmth initiatives and grants for home improvements
  3. Support residents in building community capacity and encourage creation of new groups
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Promote literacy initiatives for parents and children
  2. Encourage parents to engage with schools and their children’s education
  3. Engage with Higher Attainment agenda
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Continue to take an active role in Community Partnerships and promote less ‘medical’ model
  2. Promote and encourage a new neighbourliness initiative incorporating vulnerable groups including dementia, autism and learning difficulties
  3. Address cost of living crisis by supporting Warm Spaces initiative, Pay as You Feel Cafes, surplus food shop, soup flask initiative and school uniform bank
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Work with partners to reduce incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour and build public confidence
  2. Promote Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Stoppers
  3. Develop initiatives to reduce loneliness and isolation
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote local transport networks and the use of efficient alternatives to car use
  2. Support and promote local carbon reduction approaches
  3. Support and promote initiatives which focus on reducing, reusing and recycling

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Liaise with Town Council to develop a Business Partnership 1. Partnership approach to problem solving 1. Reduction in anti-social behaviour and increased footfall in town centre * Police, Warden Service, Youth Service, Shop Watch
2. Assist in the development of community and town centre events 2. All partners take ownership in the running and success of events 2. Increase in the number of events and footfall * Town Council, Shipley Events Group
3. Work with Enterprise Coaches, Community Centres, Youth Service and Shipley College to develop a series of career/apprenticeship events 3. Regular programme of events at different venues 3. Reduction in NEET and increase in new start ups * Enterprise Coach, Shipley College, Titus Salt School, Youth Service
4. Promote the Job Club at Shipley Library 4. Thriving Club 4. Number of attendees * Area Office, Library Service, Community Centres, DWP

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Decent Homes and Visible Environment

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Develop a ‘signposting’ leaflet to raise awareness of winter warmth initiatives, grants, support from Housing Standards team and cost of living crisis 1. Residents aware of support available and how to raise issues regarding poor standard of private rented housing 1. Increase in take up of grants. More referrals to Reduction in number of private rented houses in state of disrepair * Area Office, Kirkgate Centre, Town Council
2. Promote the ‘Clean Streets of Shipley’ initiative 2. Increase in number of residents who have registered with scheme 2. Reduction in number of reports of littering and fly tipping * Area Office, Kirkgate Centre, Town Council
3. Develop the ‘Love Your Patch’ scheme which encourages regular clean ups, neighbourly support and events 3. Pilot scheme is launched in Saltaire and replicated in other areas 3. Increase in number of mutual support neighbourhood groups across the Ward * Area Office, Community Centres, Town council

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Promote family learning and activities organised by the Shipley Family Hub and Shipley Library 1. Families are able to get out of the house, reduce fuel bills and access additional networks of support 1. Families feel supported and able to access additional activities. An increase in self-esteem and confidence for parents * Library Service, Family Hub, Area Office, Community Centres
2. Encourage schools to provide social groups and activities for parents within the school setting 2. Utilising school buildings for community activities, taking advantage of warm spaces, parents more engaged with the school community 2. Improvement in relationship with parents and teachers. Parents taking a more active role in their children’s education and learning * Schools, Parental Liaison Officers, Early Help, Area Office
3. Promote Youth in Mind Programme and Young Carer’s project 3. Young people feel supported and quality of family life improves 3. Reduction in number of self harm cases * Youth Service, Community Partnerships, Carers’ Resource

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Continue to take an active role in Community Partnerships 1. More projects based on needs of community rather than patients 1. Numbers of residents accessing projects in the community. Reduction in rates of depression * Area Office, Community Representatives, Town Council
2. Promote and encourage a new neighbourliness initiative incorporating vulnerable groups including dementia, autism and those with learning difficulties 2. Initiative is rolled out and partners, residents and businesses are all aware and sign up to the scheme 2. All residents feel supported and understood. Reduction in calls to services from vulnerable residents* Area Office, Alzheimer’s Society, Autism First, Town Council, Police, Community Centres, Business Partnership
3. Help improve quality of life, including physical and mental health, by addressing cost of living crisis; support Warm Spaces initiative, Pay as You Feel Cafes, surplus food shop, soup flask initiative and school and uniform bank 3. A good cross section of community settings sign up for initiative including libraries, community centres, places of worship and schools. A significant number agree to provide provision on Christmas Day 3. Residents feel supported during the cost of living crisis and know where to go to access a warm space, food and company. Mental any physical health health is improved * CABAD, Community Centres, Churches and Faith Groups, Community Partnerships
4. Promote Reading Well on Prescription Books 4. Raised awareness of collection 4. Number of loans *Library Service

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with partners to reduce incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour, build public confidence and promote Neighbourhood Watch 1. Public confidence is improved and neighbourhoods feel safer. Neighbours get to know each other 1. Reductions in reports of anti-social behaviour. Increase in number of Neighbourhood Watches * Police, Youth Service,
2. Develop initiatives to reduce loneliness and isolation and promote existing provision at library including book groups and Reading Friends 2. New groups established including Men’s Sheds, Repair Cafes and Red Hats and Hijabs groups. Walk from Home Scheme re-introduced 2. Numbers attending * Area Office, Neighbourhood Connect, Community Centres, Library Service
3. Encourage and support a programme of events across different communities 3. Increase in mutual support and understanding. Residents able to access local programme of events which improve sense of community and reduce need to travel 3. Number of events and feel good factor created * Area Office, Town Council, Residents Groups, Community Centres

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Encourage walking and cycling in all age groups, use of public transport, car club and car share schemes to help improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions 1. Active travel is increased. Congestion is reduced 1. Number of walking buses and active travel. Numbers joining car club * Shipley Active Travel Network, Town Council, Clean Air Bradford
2. Encourage community growing initiatives and improvements and use of green spaces and derelict land 2. Green spaces and derelict land is improved and sense of community is increased. Health and wellbeing of residents is improved and sense of purpose created 2. Visible improvement of derelict land. Happiness and sense of belonging created. Increase in number of social contacts *Community Centres, Community Partnerships, Friends of the Earth, Town Council, Veg on the Edge
3. Support and promote reduce, re-use and recycling initiatives including clothes swops, repair cafes, Men's Sheds, upcycling schemes and Free Little Libraries 3. Improved understanding of how to live in a more sustainable way 3. Number of people participating in the carbon reduction initiatives. Sense of pride in reducing waste and re-using items * Community Centres, Plastic Free Shipley, Area Office, Citizen’s Jury, Town Council

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