Shipley Locality Plan 2022-2025


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Shipley locality priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes 2021-25 Shipley Locality Wide Priorities 2022-25
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. We will work to improve links between formal training providers and the community and business sectors
  2. We will work to improve employability of local people and employment opportunities, including more apprenticeships and business start ups
  3. We will work to promote the local businesses offer – including town centres
Decent Homes and the Visible Environment
  1. We will work to promote rights of tenants
  2. We will work to reduce waste and litter around flats and shops
  3. We will work to support flood plans across the Locality
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. We will work to reduce the number of children and young people experiencing poor mental health, including high incidents self-harm
  2. We will work to enhance partnership working and communication between all schools and colleges with wider agencies and businesses
  3. We will work to increase opportunities for hearing and acting on the voice of children and young people, particularly in respect of decisions that affect their lives
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. We will work to increase use of social prescribing and awareness campaigns
  2. We will work to increase the number of people accessing Living Well and wider support within the VCS
  3. We will work to ensure that older people and people with disabilities enjoy active, happy and fulfilling lives
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. We will work to respond appropriately to the voices of Communities of Interest and promote inclusivity and diversity
  2. We will work to reduce domestic abuse, hate crime and sexual violence
  3. We will work to develop the strengths of existing active communities and create enhanced offers (see appendix 1)
A Sustainable District
  1. We will work to reduce energy use through promoting the move to low and zero carbon transport with an emphasis on public transport, walking and cycling and promote more efficient heating of homes including better insulation
  2. We will work to promote waste reduction, reuse, recycle and composting to reduce waste going to landfill and lessen the drain on natural resources
  3. We will work to promote to ensure parks and green spaces leave space for nature and biodiversity and promote ‘growing your own’ and reducing food waste

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with partners, including Shipley College, Schools, Job Centre / DWP and Social Enterprises to explore how access could be improved for all ages. Looking at skills gaps and outreach – see also Good Start Great Schools Action 2 1. A local workforce with the skills needed by local employers and dynamic employment opportunities for local people 1. Network events organised * Shipley College, Schools, Job Centre/DWP and Social Enterprise
2. Support new business development through
  1. advice and guidance
  2. provide business grants
  3. develop apprenticeship routes into employment
2. A local economy where local people can thrive as employees and as self employed 2.
  1. Numbers of local people offered support and guidance
  2. value of business grants
  3. number of apprenticeships created * Invest in Bradford, Department of Place, WYCA, Shipley Towns Fund
  1. Use all social media platforms and events to promote local business offer
  2. events and initiatives that bring the public into Shipley and Bingley town centres
3. Thriving Bingley and Shipley town centres with a good offer of shops and cultural life 3. Number of vacant business premises in Shipley and Bingley town centres * Economic Development, Department of Place

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Decent Homes and Visible Environment

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Set up a partnership of Registered Social Landlords, representatives of the private-rented sector and tenants groups to work together to improve housing and promote the rights of tenants 1. More people living in decent homes and more tenants/residents actively engaging in housing issues/initiatives. More people, particularly older people and people with disabilities, living in housing with improved accessibility 1. Number of people living in decent homes. Number of tenants/residents actively engaged. Number of tenants /residents groups. Number of people, particularly older people and people with disabilities, living in housing with improved accessibility *
  1. Wardens to engage with landlords, tenants and homeowners
  2. Wardens to monitor that standards are maintained
  3. Where advice not followed to refer cases for enforcement action
2. Fostering a sense of ownership and pride. Work with businesses, tenants and landlords to ensure all are aware of their responsibilities 2. Numbers of complaints / requests for service. Cleanliness scores. Before and after photos * Neighbourhood Warden and Enforcement Manager
3. Actively support local flood plans with the use of operational resources as part of the Emergency Planning process. 3. Quick response from all operational teams to assist with issues arising from flooding and ensure less impact at affected areas 3. Number of active plans * Emergency Planning (number of flood plans in place)

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
  1. Set up a sub group to work on why high numbers of children and young people access hospitals for self harm
  2. Maintaining preventative and early intervention approaches including Youth In Mind
1. Young people are able to access appropriate early help to resolve issues before they escalate 1. Numbers of young people accessing Youth In Mind annually * Bingley Bubble, WISHH, Affinity, HALE, Youth Service, Born in Bradford, Early Help
2. Develop a school and college coordination group as a sub group of the Shipley Leadership team - see also Better Skills Action 1 2. Improved communication and partnership working between all schools and colleges and other partner agencies is having a positive impact on the lives of children, young people and their families 2. Numbers of initiatives arising out of the partnership group* Schools, Shipley College
3. Provide opportunities for young people to share their views and opinions about issues that impact on their lives. 3. The voice of children and young people is being heard and acted upon by those involved in making decisions that affect their lives which is having a positive impact on them, their families and the communities they live in 3. Percent of young people saying they feel they can influence local decisions from Localities Youth Survey (annual)* HALE, Youth Service, Early Help

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with Community Partnerships and GPs to ensure social prescribing is maximised and made more aware to the public of its existence and benefits 1. Potential for lower prescription of medication, less GP appointments and physical and psychological benefits for individuals 1. Numbers of people referred by surgeries to agencies who socially prescribe* Bingley Bubble, WISHH, Affinity, HALE
  1. Develop the local offer of well being activities within the Locality
  2. Work with Living Well on the offer
2. Better physical and mental health 2. Numbers attending* Living Well, CABAD, HALE, VCS, Community Centres
  1. Active agency opportunities are developed and promoted
  2. Mapping to identify areas of strengths and weakness in terms of inclusion
  3. Celebrate our strengths
3. A Locality that is accessible and inclusive to all and where everyone can thrive 3. Locality survey * Stronger Communities, Adult Services, Equality Together, Partnership for Positive Ageing

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Create a working group to develop actions that target communities of interest who are seldom heard 1. A locality where services are shaped to reflect the needs of all communities and everyone is included where they choose to be 1. Working up measures with the Stronger Communities team* CABAD, Health, Area Office, VCS 
  1. Schools adopt Operation Encompass to increase support offer to CYP victims of domestic abuse
  2. Train frontline staff to identify and understand domestic abuse cases and how to report them
  3. Youth Service to provide positive relationships awareness to groups of young people
2. Young people to have better understanding of healthy relationships. Less domestic abuse in the future 2.
  1. Number of schools signing up
  2. Numbers of frontline staff trained
  3. Numbers of young people participating in the awareness sessions* Schools, Domestic Abuse Team, Youth Service, Area Office
3. See details of 10 active community actions in Appendix 1 3. See details of 10 active community actions in Appendix 3. Delivery of the 10 active community actions in Appendix 1

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
  1. Where possible move to purchase electric vehicles for operations in street cleansing and parks or vehicles with the fewest emissions
  2. Promote active travel widely, for example walking and cycling
  3. Enforce the Clean Air Zone
1. Cleaner air quality / carbon emissions 1. Local air quality measures and more active communities* Clear Air Zone team, Area Office, Road Safety team
2. Target areas of low recycling kerbside collection rounds. 2. Increased recycling at these properties and less contamination of vehicle loads with less residual waste going to landfill 2. Recycling rates / tonnage going to landfill* Parks and Cleansing, Wardens, Recycling team
  1. Allow designated areas of parks and green spaces to naturalise to increase biodiversity and reduce the use of Glyphosate where practicable
  2. Ensure that everyone uses parks by reaching out to groups less likely to access
  3. Trial alternative options for reducing glyphosate in 2 areas of Shipley ward with Parish Council.
3. More biodiversity and less chemical usage. Increase in wildlife and naturalisation. Success/failure of trial. Possible roll out district wide 3. Numbers of areas left to naturalise and litres of glyphosate used, Increased complaints regarding weeds.

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Appendix 1: Strong and Active Communities Sub Action

Developing Community and Partnership Strengths across the Shipley Area

Item Actions Details Who When
1 Promoting existing strengths and good practice between partners across the Shipley Area Organise a network across community providers
Run an annual community heroes event in Shipley to celebrate achievements
Area Office
Community providers
April each year
2 Piloting a referral pathway for individuals with low level needs into community led provision locally Design a project that would enable agencies to refer in and for neighbourhood teams to deliver short interventions in partnership with local organisations and residents Area Office
Local organisations
Council Customer Services
Design pilot in BD18 ready for a 2022 soft launch
3 Map local community offer by ward and seek to further develop to meet local needs
  • Undertake on a ward by ward basis mapping of existing provision.
  • Where there are gaps in provision work with partners to fill
  • Include offer for all age groups
Area Office
Youth Worker Ward Leads for Youth Offer element
Early Help
Community providers
Complete initial in each Ward Spring 2023 then regularly update.
4 Support local community organisations and businesses to diversify the culture and arts offer including for young people Work with local groups to build opportunities to increase the culture and arts offer to everyone including those who participate the least Culture 2025 team
Council Culture team
Youth Service
Ongoing in build up to Culture 2025
5 Improve information and advice about community offer in each neighbourhood. Support residents through the Cost of Living crisis.
  • Work to improve information about what is available locally
  • Improve awareness campaigns using a calendar of key dates and events
Area Office
Community providers
Cost of Living Support website and booklet launched September 2022.
6 Develop an Area wide Friendly Communities initiative (inclusive to all) Compare existing 'Friendly' initiatives and design one that supports community organisations and local businesses to be inclusive (for example Dementia, Autism) Community providers
Faith organisations
Richard Cracknell
Initial working group to scope out in Autumn 2022 with timescale to follow
7 Increase opportunities for neighbourliness including Neighbourhood Watch.
  • Work with NW coordinators and NPT
  • Consider ideas that mean NW could expand to include 'caring' for neighbours, for example putting bins out etc.
Area Office
Initial meeting to scope out in Autumn 2022 with timescale to follow
8 Mapping existing voice mechanisms and ensuring all communities and all ages are heard
  • work with partners to establish any gaps
  • Work with partners to fill gaps
  • Develop way to improve sharing of voices across partners
Area Office
Stronger Communities
Initial meeting to scope out in Autumn 2022 with timescale to follow
9 Continue to work with Friends of Parks and Open spaces groups to help maximise the use of public spaces   Friends of Groups
Parks and Cleansing
10 Developing a Safe and Warm spaces initiative to increase the numbers and diversity of people accessing community spaces across the Area Evaluate existing similar initiatives and decide if one is fit for Shipley and if not develop a new one Area Office
Community providers
Faith organisations
Holiday Activity and Food Programme
Launched in Autumn 2022

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