Bingley Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Bingley Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. We will promote initiatives that support training development and upskilling to increase opportunities for employment
  2. We will work to support apprenticeships and development opportunities for young people within the local economy
  3. We will support and encourage ‘shop local’ initiatives
Decent Homes and Environment
  1. We will support initiatives that demonstrate how to cut energy costs and promote energy efficiency and climate change
  2. We will support activities to keep the Ward clean and free from litter and detritus
  3. We will work with social landlords to encourage residents to reduce grot spots
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. We will promote and support information and activities for parents with young children
  2. We will work with partner agencies to ensure families have access to the appropriate support and guidance
  3. We will support agencies who work with young people to ensure their voices are heard and respected
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. We will work with Community Partnership to improve access to health services
  2. We will work to identify mental health needs and work alongside social prescribers to give support
  3. We will encourage healthier life choices by supporting/ promoting activities for all age groups and abilities using free public spaces
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. We will work with partner agencies to ensure residents continue to feel safe
  2. We will continue to use the Ward Partnership meetings continue to collaborate to address concerns around ASB/ hate crimes
  3. We will support and encourage residents to take an active role in their communities
A Sustainable District
  1. We will raise awareness of public electric car charging points
  2. We will promote active communities to maximise use of green spaces
  3. We will encourage activities that promote recycling

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Support Bingley Chamber of Trade to promote Bingley Town as a great place to shop and own a business 1. New Businesses opening up in the town, increased footfall 1. No empty units, increase footfall, vibrant local economy* Bingley Chamber of Trade, Bingley Town Council, Bradford Council Markets, Area Office, Economic Development Section
2. Work with Bingley Town Council to extend the Market and promote the use of the Market Square 2. Regular market, night time market, greater use of the market square, go to space for Bingley events/ activities 2. Wait list for pitches, increase in submissions for activities on the square* Bradford Council Markets, Bingley Town Council
3. Support the Youth café to work with the young people and encourage take up voluntary work, apprenticeships and part time employment 3. Skilled young people ready to work locally 3. Number of local businesses happy to take on YP for apprenticeships and P/T work. Increase in the number of young people looking to take up volunteering activities* Ward Officer, Youth service

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Decent Homes

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work alongside partner agencies such a the ‘Green Doctor’ to promote energy efficient schemes and promote initiatives such as the EC04 scheme to ensure shared response to current crisis. 1. People are aware of the available resources and the relevant agencies to provide assistance and support 1. Greater awareness of how and where to get advice and support* Sustainability Housing & Energy Efficiency Officer, CABAD
2. Partner with social landlords to identify areas that require a collaborative approach to addressing concerns of high risk vulnerable residents. 2. Agencies are able to communicate effectively and utilise knowledge to avoid people falling through the net 2. Confidence in a multi agency approach to resolving problems* Housing & Energy Efficiency Officer, Incommunities
3. Work with partners and ‘Friends of’ groups to safeguard the environment and maintain the current high standard of cleanliness 3. Residents continue to have a sense of pride and ownership in their environment 3. More people taking an active role in their neighbourhoods* Clean teams, Friends of groups, Local litter pickers

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Promote activities and courses run by Keighley and Shipley Family Hub and partner agencies 1. Parents are aware of the support available to them and how to access additional information 1. Parents have a good awareness of local and district programmes/ interventions* Shipley Area Family Hub, Schools, Area Office
2. Communicate information on school holiday schemes/ activities 2. Children have opportunities to be active 2. Children/ young people feel supported* Youth Service, Bingley Town Council, Area Office
3. Support Youth in Mind Programme 3. Increase in referrals to mental health programmes. More young people and parents are aware of local mental health provision 3. Parents and young people are happy that there is adequate provision* Youth service, Area Office
4. Local agencies to work together to ensure appropriate youth provision and all young people are able to be involved with the local decision making process 4. Young people have the opportunity to engage in age related activities and are an integral part of future planning in the town 4. Young people feel they have an opportunity to have their say and feel that they are listened to

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with Community Partnership to promote local, regional and national health schemes 1. Informed community able to take preventative measures to monitor and improve health conditions 1. Reduction in people with advanced health needs* Bingley Bubble, Area Office
2. Work in collaboration with Bingley Bubble and local services providers to identify specific local health needs 2. The community has access to a range of quality joined up services and activities that promote mental health and well being 2. Increase uptake of local health related activities* Bingley Bubble, Area Office
3. Support free activities that utilise local spaces like parks and the canal towpath 3. People feel able to make healthy lifestyle choices without being impacted financially 3. Increase in the numbers of people utilising open spaces* Parks and Street Cleansing, Area Office, Countryside service
4. Work with local community centres and church halls to increase access to a variety of activities during the winter months 4. People have a range of options to socialise and stay warm and feel able to be active without being concerned about rising costs 4. Number of premises putting on extra activities during winter* Area Office, Bingley Liaison Group

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Liaise with Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) and Shipley Anti-Social Behaviour Officer(ASB) when problem ASB persists and coordinate responses through the Bingley Ward Partnership Team 1. ASB is dealt with at an earlier stage 1. Reduction in calls to services and social housing providers* Police, Youth Service, Area Officer
2. Review levels of hate crime including the targeting of women and girls 2. Better understanding issues and more focussed response 2. Record of hate crime in the Ward* Police, Bradford Hate Crime Alliance
3. Support Bingley Neighbourhood Watch to increase membership and raise awareness of new and immerging crimes locally and nationally 3. Community are well informed and able to take evasive measures to mitigate risk 3. Reduction in recorded crimes. Increase in the number of people who feel safe in their neighbourhoods* Bingley Neighbourhood Watch, NPT, Area Office
4. Investigate lighting around Myrtle Park and skate park 4. Young people feel safe and are able to use the skate park for longer periods in winter 4. Reduced calls for anti social behaviour directed at young people
5. Ask Angela initiative is rolled out to all licensed premises in Bingley 5. People feel there is an extra layer of safety whilst out in Bingley 5. Uptake by local business and all bar staff are trained and aware of the scheme

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Identify and promote local car charging point 1. Raise awareness of the local network of electric car charging points 1. Reduce carbon emissions from private vehicles particularly around schools* Road Safety Team, Area Office
2. Raise awareness of activities organised by Plastic Free Bingley 2. Communities that are active and informed 2. Request for more information/ events* Plastic Free Bingley, Area Office
3. Work with local groups and organisations to encourage more recycling by households and businesses 3. Improved recycling targets. Less litter 3. Cleaner streets particularly around takeaways* Clean Team, Incommunities
4. Promote The Bradford Warm Homes, Healthy People programme to vulnerable residents who qualify for support 4. Vulnerable residents have access to support, information and advice on energy efficient savings 4. Increase take up of the Warm Homes Healthy People programme* Area Office, Bingley Bubble

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