Bingley Rural Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Bingley Rural Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Support local businesses and promote ‘shop local’ initiatives
  2. Support young people to be active in the local economy
  3. Promote initiatives that offer enhanced employability for local residents
Decent Homes and the Visible Environment
  1. Maintain the high standard of cleanliness and attractiveness of the five villages
  2. Encourage residents to take an active role in the appearance of local neighbourhoods
  3. Work with partners to alleviate flood risk and increase flood resilience
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Capitalise on the localities approach, with strong links to agencies and partnerships focused on children and young people
  2. Promote information and support activities and events for families with children
  3. Ensure young people are involved in decision-making and recognised for positive activities in their local communities
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Capitalise on the localities approach, with strong links to agencies and partnerships focused on health and wellbeing
  2. Work with Community Partnerships to improve community health and wellbeing
  3. Work with partners to address cost of living issues
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Foster stronger and more active local communities within the context of the ‘People Can’ initiative
  2. Address traffic and parking behaviour that causes tension within local communities and danger to residents
  3. Reduce incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour and build public confidence
A Sustainable District
  1. Support sustainability initiatives such as reduce and re-use, plastic-free, food growing, green travel and tree planting
  2. Enhance local biodiversity through planting and ‘no mow’ areas
  3. Promote home energy efficiency initiatives

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Pilot ‘Citizen Coin’ in Wilsden and roll out if successful 1. More volunteering in local communities and increased use of local businesses and community venues 1. Take up of initiative(s) by local volunteers and businesses * Area Office, Stronger Communities team, Community Action (CABAD), Parish Council(s)
2. Promote local work placements, apprenticeships, training and accreditation 2. Higher levels of local training and employment 2. Take up of local training and employment * Economic Development Service, Youth Service
3. Publicise availability of training and employment related advice, information and opportunities and signpost people to relevant agency 3. Greater awareness and uptake of training and employment opportunities 3. Uptake of training and employment opportunities * Economic Development Service, Youth Service

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Decent Homes and Visible Environment

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Focus on local priorities of dog fouling, litter, planting, fly-tipping, overgrown vegetation, household waste and abuse of local ‘honeypot’ sites 1. Maintenance of cleanliness and attractiveness of ward 1. Local survey data, number of requests for service * Parks & Street Cleansing, Neighbourhood Wardens, Countryside Service
2. Support and celebrate the work of local environmental groups 2. Local groups and individuals feel supported for their volunteering 2. Contribution of local environmental groups, grants and awards allocated * Area Office, Neighbourhood Wardens, Parks & Street Cleansing
3. Recruit staff for street cleansing activities in partnership with nominated parish councils 3. Street cleansing efficiency maximised and good relationships maintained 3. Maintenance of joint street cleansing activities * Parks & Street Cleansing, Area Office, Parish Councils
4. Target specific areas of housing and environmental concern including social housing neighbourhoods 4. Areas of most concern are addressed and social housing tenants are informed and empowered 4. Local survey data, feedback from social landlords, number of requests for service * social landlords, Parks & Street Cleansing, Neighbourhood Wardens

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Support and promote key role of Youth Service offer, including outreach work, open sessions, in-school activities and mental health support 1. More awareness and increased uptake of Youth Service offer and better co- ordination with other youth providers 1. Uptake of Youth Service offer * Youth Service, Area Office, local schools
2. Ensure all vulnerable young people referred to the Youth Service receive support 2. Improved mental health of young people 2. Referral data, feedback from young people * Youth Service, Children’s Services
3. Promote activities and courses run by the Keighley & Shipley Family Hub including information on school holiday support 3. Increased awareness and greater uptake of offer for families 3. Take up of activities and courses * Children’s Services, Area Office

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Work with the Bingley Bubble Community Partnership to promote health and wellbeing through events, social prescribing, awareness-raising and access to funding, and forge stronger links with the other two community partnerships working the ward 1. Greater access to information, advice and activities with resulting positive health and wellbeing outcomes for local residents 1. Health and wellbeing data, take up of information, advice and activities * Community Partnership and other health partners, Area Office
2. Promote access to support for cost-of- living issues and explore use of local churches and community centres as ‘warm spaces’ for vulnerable local residents 2. Improved health and wellbeing through more affordable food and warmth 2. Number of warm spaces established * Area Office, Community Partnership and other health partners, local churches and community centre
3. Pilot a Bingley & Bingley Rural Men’s Shed project 3. Reduced isolation and enhanced wellbeing for local men 3. Establishment of men’s shed(s) * Area Office, Community Partnership
4. Encourage healthier lifestyles through use of local green spaces 4. Improved physical and mental health through fresh air and exercise 4. Health and wellbeing data * Parks & Landscapes, Community Partnership and other health partners

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Increase community resilience and local volunteering through support for new and existing initiatives, sharing of resources and good practice between the five villages, and opportunities to support communities of interest 1. More volunteering, increased community strength and enhance inclusivity 1. Survey data and other community feedback * Area Office, Neighbourhood Wardens, Parks & Street Cleansing
2. Focus on traffic priorities of speeding, parking, off-road vehicles, e-scooters, heavy vehicles and engine idling 2. Safer highways and other public spaces and less community tension 2. Traffic data, number of requests for service * Traffic & Highways, Neighbourhood Police Team * Parking Wardens
3. Reduce crime and fear of crime through promotion of crime prevention, crime ‘successes’ and importance of intelligence, together with support for community-based Neighbourhood Watch schemes and managing public expectations 3. Less crime and fear of crime and greater awareness and understanding of work undertaken by agencies 3. Crime data, number of requests for service, number of Neighbourhood Watch schemes and participants * Neighbourhood Police Team, Neighbourhood Wardens

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
* Key partners
1. Promote use and development of food growing and ‘best-use’ schemes, including support for local groups 1. Less food waste, fewer ‘food miles’, together with budget savings and healthy food for local households 1. Number of food schemes, grants and awards allocated for these  * Community Partnership, Neighbourhood Wardens, Parks & Street Cleansing
2. Promote use of re-use / reduce / recycling opportunities, including physical facilities and websites and apps 2. Less waste and landfill, together with budget savings for local households 2. Waste and recycling data * Waste and Recycling teams, Neighbourhood Wardens
3. Support and promote active and green travel through initiatives like the community-led Bingley Rural Green Travel project and identification of local charging points for electric vehicles 3. Improved local environment through less vehicular pollution, together with better health and wellbeing for local communities 3. Travel data * Traffic & Highways, Area Office

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