Worth Valley Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Worth Valley Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Promote and support schemes to Shop Local and with independent businesses to improve local economy
  2. Provide opportunities for young people to learn new skills and improve employability
  3. Provide opportunities for people to learn about various skills/training/employment prospects
Decent Homes
  1. Provide opportunities for residents, including tenants, to raise issues and empower residents to address issues (including youth voice)
  2. Promote schemes and info on improved energy efficiency of homes in the face of cost of living increases
  3. Promote schemes for accessible housing for young people/old people
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Support early years' providers in their offer, including parenting support
  2. Improve links with Primary schools and develop their links with each other and the community
  3. Encourage young people to influence and design activity in their neighbourhoods
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Work alongside partners to improve access to and development of health initiatives
  2. Support youth services to work with young people on health issues raised by them
  3. Promote and signpost people to support services and sessions and support community organisations as providers of physical and mental well-being resources, including access for those with physical and learning disabilities
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Celebrate community strengths in neighbourhoods and promote a sense of local pride
  2. Support from partners to address local police priorities
  3. Encouraging more people to be involved in their local area via volunteering and community engagement
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote sustainable and affordable transport initiatives
  2. Promote and support ways to improve waste management habits and reporting of issues
  3. Promote and support local action towards a cleaner and greener environment

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
    • Develop and promote initiatives to encourage residents to shop local
    • Explore networking opportunities to support local businesses
    • Support work via youth services, voluntary organisations and other partners
    • Promote Citizen Coin which provides a social CV
    • Work with partners to support and deliver volunteer and skills workshops
    • Work with partners to deliver employment and job fairs
    • More people shopping in local businesses
    • More people interested in supporting local economy
    • Young people more prepared for the working environment and working routines
    • Increased and varied skills
    • People more confident and skilled to deal with employers and getting into employment
    • People more skilled to apply for local opportunities
    • Increased aspirations
    • More awareness of options
    • Number of events
    • Number of schemes promoted
    • Number of sessions offered
    • Number of young people attending sessions
    • Number of sessions delivered
    • Number of people attending

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Indicators
    • Support neighbourhood walkabouts with social housing providers and partners
    • Promote reporting methods for Social housing providers and private-rented properties
    • Work with housing providers to look at identifying where more tenants/residents groups could be set up
    • Promote energy efficiency schemes, grants and initiatives
    • Work in partnership with Housing providers to review energy efficiency of properties and support upgrades where necessary
    • Gather information and promote schemes and grants that can improve physical accessibility
    • Gather and promote information on schemes and grants to improve financial accessibility
    • More people living in the same house and not moving – less transiency
    • Improved pride in home/gardens/local area
    • More people living in decent homes, physically and in neighbourhoods, socially
    • More tenants/residents actively engaging in housing issues/initiatives
    • More tenants' and residents' groups
    • More feedback opportunities for residents on housing issues
    • More people managing living costs More households upgrading to energy efficiency measures
    • More Social housing properties maintained to a decent standard
    • More young people able to access affordable housing
    • More old people able to access appropriate housing More people living in decent homes that meet their needs
    • Number of walkabouts
    • Number of tenants groups
    • Number of neighbourhood initiatives
    • Number of tenants supported via social housing providers
    • Number of grants provided
    • Number of property improvements made
    • Number of schemes promoted
    • Number of events held
    • Number of schemes promoted
    • Number of grants applied for/given
    • Number of events held

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
    • Explore and develop outreach activities and opportunities in the ward
    • Engage with partners around the delivery of early-years and parents' sessions to develop provision in the ward including family centred approach to meet identified support needs
    • Work with providers and community to increase the take up of the 2 year offer of free 15 hours childcare.
    • Explore transition work with primary schools in the ward and Youth Service and partners
    • Explore and support networking opportunities for primary schools in the ward
    • Youth service working with diverse groups of young people to co-design activities and opportunities along with partners
    • Involve young people in decision making and consultations
    • Youth service to support Young Ambassadors, youth hub 'Keighley Vibe' and Youth Summit as well as young people being involved in wider events such as PRIDE.
    • Improved life skills and development for 0 to 3 year olds
    • Improved networking and information shared via partnership working
    • Increased take up of 2 year offer of free childcare
    • More children and young people displaying appropriate social skills, confidence and well-being
    • More children and young people achieving higher attainment standards
    • More young people ready for transition from primary to secondary school
    • More young people actively contributing to youth voice/discussions
    • More young people pro-socially involved in activities in their local area
    • More young people leading decisions taken in their local and wider areas
    • More young people with increased life-skills, confidence, increased self-esteem
    • Increased aspirations
    • Number of families and children engaged with
    • Number of sessions delivered in communities/neighbourhoods
    • Number of families taking up 2 year offer
    • Number of pupils enrolled in transition work
    • Number of meetings/events
    • Number of young ambassadors
    • Number of co-designed youth activities and initiatives
    • Number of young people involved in initiatives in the community

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
    • Work with partners to set up health initiatives
    • Work with partners to develop community health opportunities
    • Support young people and youth service to deliver a Youth summit
    • Support youth service open-access and closed group sessions to empower young people to choose and be part of developing opportunities to access better health choices.
    • Referral and signposting of residents to public health programmes
    • Work with partners to deliver accessible food projects
    • Support voluntary organisations to design services and sessions to meet the health needs of their communities
    • More chances for people to take responsibility for their own health
    • More opportunities to engage in an active lifestyle
    • Improved physical and mental well-being
    • More choice in health activities
    • Increase in numbers of people participating in positive lifestyle activities
    • More young people involved in development of health activities
    • More young people involved in conversations about issues affecting them
    • More young people making informed positive health choices
    • More health projects delivered in the ward
    • More residents accessing health activities or activities that positively impact health even if not primarily a 'health session' for example art class
    • Number of walking groups/walks
    • Number of activities taking place in outdoor spaces in neighbourhoods/the Ward
    • Number of neighbourhood initiatives
    • Number of young people engaged with via youth service sessions
    • Number of young people involved in local community health initiatives
    • Number of sessions that have a positive impact on health delivered
    • Number of people attending sessions
    • Number of residents consulted with around health and well-being and wider determinants of health

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
    • Work with partners to deliver local community celebrations and community pride initiatives
    • Support and develop networking opportunities to share good practice at neighbourhood level
    • Promote methods of reporting ASB and other crime
    • Hold local drop-in community engagement sessions with NPT and other partners
    • Consider relevant pro-active local campaigns and engage residents
    • Provide feedback and visibility of action taken
    • Promote Council supported initiatives such as People Can and Citizen Coin
    • Consult residents about types of volunteering they would like to be involved in and match to existing opportunities
    • Promote positive experiences and benefits of volunteering
    • Residents and services have a platform to be better connected
    • Improved sense of communal pride in areas
    • Improved social cohesion
    • More events for local residents to attend
    • More residents aware of how to report concerns
    • More visibility of action being taken
    • More young people via schools and community bases positively engaged with local NPT
    • More volunteering opportunities developed and to engage in
    • More people benefitting from taking up volunteering opportunities for example gaining skills, improving self-confidence, employment opportunities
    • Increase in numbers of people participating in community activities
    • Number of network meetings
    • Number of community initiatives (for example litter picks, events)
    • Number of residents consulted with
    • Number of drop-ins
    • Number residents attending drop-ins/road shows
    • Number of schools engaged
    • Number of campaigns delivered
    • Number of people registered with Citizen Coin
    • Number of Citizen Coin rewarding agencies
    • Number of people volunteering in the ward
    • Number of local initiatives
    • Number of people engaged in local initiatives

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Progress
    • Work with key organisations to deliver initiatives for alternative and affordable transport
    • Explore Citizen Coin for use on public transport
    • Work with partners and residents to identify where positive behaviour takes place and develop projects that increase recycling
    • Promote methods of reporting waste management issues
    • Engage partners to improve grot-spots and work with residents to look at sustaining improvements
    • Support community clean-ups
    • Consult with residents on clean and green issues with a view to developing local campaigns and initiatives
    • Support flood resilience work in neighbourhoods and the ward
    • More people being more connected and confident in being able to travel across the area
    • More people opting for more sustainable methods of travel
    • Increase in numbers of people participating in initiatives
    • Increase in recycling rates in Worth Valley
    • Increase in local pride and willingness to report fly tipping/waste issues
    • Improvement in physical appearance of neighbourhoods
    • More opportunities developed for residents to engage in local environmental projects
    • More residents feeling that they have a voice in local environmental issues
    • Number of journeys redeemed via citizen coins
    • Number of people using local walking networks
    • (Reduced) Number of car journeys
    • Recycling rates
    • Number of campaigns promoted
    • Number of reports of fly tipping
    • Number of grot-spots cleared
    • Number of residents involved in clean-ups
    • Number of people involved in local environmental initiatives
    • Number of people consulted with
    • Number of community litter picks

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