Ilkley Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Ilkley Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Promote Learning and Skills Opportunities for adults to address barriers to employment.
  2. Promote virtual learning pathways for young people to meet the demands of a changing job market.
  3. Support local business, buying local and the local economy.
Decent Homes
  1. Promote Home Energy Efficiency Schemes, Grant Improvement Programmes, Green Homes and Low Carbon emissions.
  2. Support residents and families live well in their own homes and community.
  3. Support older households to review their energy usage.
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Young people have access to activities they value and enjoy.
  2. Young People's voices are at the centre of local decision making.
  3. Promotion of holistic informal learning programmes in support of young people's life long learning.
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Support a better experience of health care for local people.
  2. Improve health and well-being of communities and individuals with a focus on co-produced services to meet differing health care needs.
  3. Promote self-help/care in communities with older people to enhance their health, and health and well-being.
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Promote activities encouraging residents and young people to take a pride in their area and the living environment.
  2. Liaise with Council Departments supporting residents to resolve any issues they have connected to the place or community where they live.
  3. Work in partnership with the Police, Agencies and Partners to address incidents of ASB Anti-Social Behaviour to define problems, generate solutions and take action
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote Green / Eco Friendly Projects to help improve the environment.
  2. Reduce Air pollution in and around schools by adopting an anti-idling programme.
  3. Promote water efficiency and reduce water consumption and usage.

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Understand what projects and services have been established to support adults improve their personal skills and development linking in with VCS, Skills and Employability Services CBMDC.
  2. Support young people 16 to 24 years to access Digital, IT Training and Virtual Learning Courses in collaboration with Craven and Keighley Collages, Schools, VCS, Youth Service and Skills and Employability Services CBMDC.
  3. Collaborate with the 'Ilkley BID' Business Community to understand the needs of local businesses, local economy / economic infrastructure i.e. range of products on offer, local employment opportunities, buying local, sponsoring community programmes.
  1. Increased number of adults enrolled on employment and skills programmes.
  2. Increased number of young people engaged in Digital and Virtual Learning Courses and programmes.
  3. Local people and visitors spending money in the town linked to a thriving and diverse shopping experience.
  1. Number of adults engaged in Personal Skills Improvement Plans.
  2. Number of young people 16 to 24 years engaged in virtual learning to meet the demands of a changing job market.
  3. Ilkley BID Business Community feedback and data.

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Engage with householders and provide information on Home Energy Efficiency Schemes and Grants i.e. lagging loft spaces, solar power; using timers for heating systems.
  2. Collaborate with Incommunities social housing provider to address tenants housing issues and concerns as they arise.
  3. Support older households to reduce energy consumption to address high fuel costs i.e. large property; set / low income; rise of the cost of fuel, energy suppliers and packages, energy efficiency grants, VCS.
  1. More households adopting energy efficiency improvement plans for their home / property.
  2. More responsive services and maintenance programmes implemented.
  3. More older households addressing fuel energy consumption but still retaining a well heated warm home.
  1. Number of households making home energy efficiency improvements.
  2. Tenants perceptions and feedback on support received.
  3. Feedback from older households on warmer home initiatives and support available / received.

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Develop a Youth Plan working in partnership with District Cllrs, The Warehouse, Ilkley Grammar School, Ilkley Town Council, Local Churches, Youth Service and VCS with a focus on youth voice and influence, healthy bodies / diet, mental health, disabilities and diversity.
  2. Partner with the Youth Service and encourage young people to become Youth Ambassadors to promote the voice of young people.
  3. Partner and collaborative with Ilkley Grammar School and Primary Schools to develop informal education projects i.e. forest skills, local events; environment and community, sports activities and volunteering.
  1. More cohesive programmes of activities at a local level to support young people of all ages.
  2. More young people taking a lead role in local developments and decision making at a local level – Youth Voice.
  3. More young people engaged in holistic learning activities and programmes with a focus on personal development, skills and confidence building.
  1. Number of young people involved in activities programmes in local settings.
  2. Young people's feedback on adopting a Youth Ambassador role.
  3. Feedback from schools on collaborative informal education activities, projects and programmes.

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Understand what projects/services are established in respect to the priority areas for the local area i.e. alcohol services, hidden deprivation, including child poverty, mental health, weight management.
  2. Link Wharfedale & Silsden Community Partners priorities to the system wide priorities i.e. Act As One Programme, Core20PLUS5, Primary Care Networks - integrating a public health approach to primary care.
  3. Identify what existing projects / services on a health and social level are established in support of older people linking in with Social Prescribers', VCS, Act As One Programme, Core20PLUS5, Primary Care Networks, whole system living well approach.
  1. More effective information about what services and support programmes are available in local settings ensuring successful work is built on rather than duplicated.
  2. More effective engagement with Health and Health and Well-Being system wide programmes to support service users address their health needs.
  3. More older people see a rise in health and well-being support through co-produced place base change.
  1. % / number of service users supported in addressing their health needs.
  2. % / number service users reporting back on their experience in accessing services and information.
  3. % / number of older people feedback and perceptions about their experience of health care provision to meet their health / social needs via engagement with local area programmes.

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Support residents and volunteers to keep their neighbourhoods clean and tidy i.e. Ilkley Hot Weather Plan Ilkley Park, Friends Of and Environmental Groups.
  2. Collaborate with Waste, Gully, Trees, Recycling, Flooding, Cleansing, Highways, Recycling Departments CBMDC to address issues affecting residents lives and the living environment.
  3. Work with the Police, Youth Service, Schools and local residents to address incidents of ASB in local settings.
  1. More positive engagement of communities; young people and individuals taking a pride in their area and community.
  2. Increased actions by Council Departments to address residents concerns and issues.
  3. Increase actions taken to address ASB issues reported by working in partnership and adopting a problem solving approach.
  1. Number of local clean-ups and environmental projects and action plans organised in neighbourhood areas.
  2. Number of Days of Action, Place based Issues addressed and Highways Schemes implemented.
  3. Residents and community perceptions and feedback

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Progress
  1. Support greener environments with a focus on Eco Friendly activities and projects i.e. recycling, growing your own, plastic free, disposing of organic waste and composting working with local groups and VCS.
  2. Collaborate with local schools and organisations to reduce traffic-Idling, traffic passing school streets, improving air quality, awareness raising, educational information, driver behaviours and turning off engines harmful effects of pollution and impacts on health.
  3. Collaborate with local schools and engage pupils of all ages in eco-friendly schools and community projects.
  1. More Eco Friendly projects developed across local neighbourhoods.
  2. Reduced volumes of traffic in and around schools, less traffic congestion, less air pollution supporting health and healthier environments.
  3. More Pupils involved in local eco-friendly projects.
  1. Number of local Eco Friendly projects delivered in neighbourhood areas.
  2. Number of schools and local organisations involved in the promotion of clean-air projects and programmes.
  3. Number of pupils engaged in eco-friendly projects in local settings.

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