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Help to support someone you know

No one deserves to be abused. There are a number of things someone can do if they are experiencing violence and abuse from a partner but none of them are easy and they may not provide a complete or immediate end to the abuse.

Why don't they leave?

There are all sorts of reasons why people stay in abusive situations. They may still love their partner and want the violence to end but not the relationship.

They may be terrified of the consequences of leaving - the abuser may have threatened to kill them or the children – and leaving a violent person is a dangerous time.

They may be worried about practical issues – housing, childcare, finances.

They may be so worn down by the abuse; they may lack the confidence to leave.

Leaving a violent relationship is often a long and difficult process and usually involves returning more than once.

Your support can be crucial.

Some of the things you can do are:

  • listen without judging
  • help the person work out what they want to do
  • encourage them to seek help or call the Police
  • call the Police if you witness or hear assaults
  • support children with practical help
  • provide help with safety planning.

The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme or 'Clare's Law'

This scheme gives members of the public a formal mechanism to make enquiries about an individual who they are in a relationship with, or who is in a relationship with someone they know, where there is a concern that the individual may be violent towards their partner.

If you require further information about the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme or wish to make a request for information under it, please contact West Yorkshire Police on 101.

Support services and further information

To report abuse in non-emergencies you can contact West Yorkshire Police by calling 101. Both male and female victims can access advice and support from Staying Put.

If you believe someone is being forced to marry against their will, or are suffering abuse on the grounds of protecting their family's 'honour', Karma Nirvana's Helpline can provide useful advice and support. The Forced Marriage Unit can act to prevent Forced Marriages from taking place.

If you know someone who has experienced Rape or Sexual Assault advice and support are offered by Bradford Rape Crisis on 01274 308270.

If the person suffering Domestic Abuse is male they can access support from Men Standing Up.

If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger of abuse or harm please call 999.