Manningham Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Manningham Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Support and encourage local businesses to develop networking and information sharing platforms within Manningham.
  2. To bring community providers together to improve residents employability chances.
  3. Connecting and encouraging new communities to use local providers and facilities to gain the skills to secure a local job.
Decent Homes
  1. Explore changes to the current planning system to address cramped living conditions.
  2. To work with partners to look a different ways to encourage residents to report and seek advice on local issues.
  3. Work with private sector housing to improve property standards and focus on landlord responsibilities.
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Work with community organisations to share resources and provide further support to help educational underachievement.
  2. Schools and faith organisations to work in partnership in supporting young peoples education and development.
  3. Work with partners to refer potential female role models to develop leadership skills through mentoring programmes.
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Support the Act Locally programme, alongside partners to improve access to health initiatives.
  2. Promote the use of local open spaces and parks, specifically to improve mental health and wellbeing
  3. Support schools to be accessible out of hours and look at ways to utilise their resources for community use.
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Encourage community activities promoting civic pride.
  2. Encourage local communities to come together and become actively involved in their streets by working together to address and report local issues.
  3. Work with the Police to build and strengthen relationships with local residents to increase the trust in uniformed services.
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote awareness of environmental issues amongst residents, including ways to make a change.
  2. Provide information and support regarding the Bradford Clean air zone being introduced in 2022 to reduce carbon emissions.
  3. Promote and support local action towards a cleaner and greener environment.

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Establish Business Forums in key areas: Manningham Lane, Oak Lane, Lumb Lane, Carlisle Road and White Abbey Road.
  2. Identify providers of job skills support and work with key businesses (who have corporate social responsibility) to improve residents employability chances
  3. To support new and emerging communities to gain skills to secure local jobs.
  1. Mapping of businesses within Manningham and Business Forum setup to discuss key issues and support businesses.
  2. Identify/develop mentoring programmes and practical sessions/workshops for young people.
  3. To explore community surgeries/advice sessions in community settings.
  1. Six monthly business forum meetings and local WhatsApp group set up.
  2. Number of workshops, mentoring programmes, uptake from young people and increase in employment levels.
  3. Engagement data with ESOL, Council's English Language Service, participation numbers and increase in new employment

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Work with Private sector housing and social housing organisations to look at a collaborative approach to high quality affordable social and private sector housing, by supporting local landlords.
  2. Work with local communities and partners to identify unsafe, abandoned properties, in order to encourage and enforce responsibilities of owners.
  3. Collaborating with partners to identify the inequalities of Covid-19 that further impact on the availability and viability of safe, decent and appropriate housing.
  1. Address overcrowded/cramped homes and improve better housing standards and health.
  2. Better and safer housing standards.
  3. Explore a licence scheme for private landlords to improve housing standards and stop fly tipping when a tenancy changes
  1. Improved living standards
  2. Engagement data, reduction in complaints.
  3. Amount of landlords signed up to scheme. Reduction in complaints and fly tipping.

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Develop a network of out of school, home-schooling and religious organisations delivering extra-curricular activities.
  2. Create a programme to increase, promote and support the development of Women led.
  3. Prioritise women led Physical health and wellbeing programmes.
  1. Mapping and sharing of after school homework clubs. Further support to help educational underachievement.
  2. Mentoring programme via mosques/ schools with local young professionals.
  3. Greater uptake by women to develop their leadership skills, through the mentoring programmes.
  1. Six monthly meetings and local WhatsApp groups set up. Number of educational sessions. Improved education.
  2. Number of mentoring programmes in place. Number of women in leadership roles.
  3. Number of female role models referred to the mentoring programmes.

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Alongside the Community Partnership use Health networks to invest in early intervention and prevention projects to directly impact older people isolation, physical health and mental wellbeing.
  2. Invest in local outdoor green spaces, making them more inviting, appropriate and useable by all sectors of the community.
  3. Recognise prevention and early help are important to change long lasting health inequalities, Use the lessons learnt form JUM:P and BiB interventions and support the behaviour change in young people, schools and families.
  1. Mapping, sharing and greater connectivity to local services.
  2. Improved more inviting spaces. Greater Connectivity and sharing of community spaces.
  3. Healthier, Happier communities living longer.
  1. Increase in membership numbers, number of events and life expectancy.
  2. Reduce rising obesity levels – Reception and Year 6 pupils. Increased take-up of facilities/ sustainability JUM:P.
  3. Increased take-up of local facilities. Improved health: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, CHD.

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. We will work to empower communities so we do things with them not to them, encouraging positive early intervention and preventative projects, identifying collective resources, encouraging collaboration including establishing local social media networks and street champions.
  2. Create opportunities for residents to take part in community and civic life and strengthening leadership. We will nurture and grow a resilient and vibrant voluntary and charitable sector, including having readily available information that allows active citizens to report, issues, in easily and accessible manner.
  3. By working with our WYP increase the trust in unformed services and decrease the fear of crime through a community engagement, outreach and collaborative projects with local community organisations.
  1. Regular partnership/community walkabouts. Support to set up community organisations.
  2. Increased community participation by building relationships and supporting communities to proactively take pride where they live.
  3. To explore community surgeries/advice sessions in community settings.
  1. Increased community organisations. Reduction in complaints.
  2. Improved communities. Fall in number of complaints.
  3. More resident engagement and reports to the Police.

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Raise awareness in local communities of the impact of the climate emergency on the lives of people in Manningham, using appropriate communication and engagement tools, so that it does not seem like a distant problem.
  2. Help households access resources, information and knowledge to improve energy efficiency in the home.
  3. Support communities to reduce, reuse and recycle principle, to support the climate emergency.
  1. Information/Engagement days with partners and local schools to reduce parking and idling outside schools.
  2. Deliver information/practical solutions to have a greater understanding.
  3. Better understanding of the impact of food waste, fly tipping and recycling.
  1. Reduce carbon omissions. Residents pledge to make change.
  2. Improved and more efficient homes.
  3. Reducing food waste, less fly tipping and improved recycling rates.

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