Heaton Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Heaton Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Mapping/training job support projects
  2. Regenerating Bradford West business areas including:
    • Keighley Road
    • Haworth Road
  3. Support Young People to get qualifications and get better jobs working with partners including Incommunities, university, college and schools.
Decent Homes
  1. Work with local partners including the council energy efficiency support such as warmer homes team, Incommunities and local charities.
  2. Good and supportive infrastructure for local communities when new developments are built.
  3. Support private tenants/landlords who let out sub standard properties and not eco friendly.
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Council policy on food and working with NHS – Community Health Partnerships to make a long term plan to tackle obesity/ diabetes prevalent in some communities in Bradford
  2. Support young people to achieve the qualifications needed to secure a job
  3. Support Schools to open on evenings and weekends, develop projects alongside jump to improve health and activity amongst young people.
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Tackle Inequalities in accessing health services - Public Health to ensure gaps on service provision are met and accesses to local services are maintained.
  2. More work/education and enforcement on environmental issues such as fly tipping and working with schools to change behaviours.
  3. 3.Promote Healthy lifestyles by increased publicity supported by jump project.
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Support communities to develop community groups and take ownership of their neighbourhood and issues affecting it.
  2. Develop on community cohesion and work with community/faith for better integration.
  3. Build confidence in community services and develop face to face engagement within local communities.
A Sustainable District
  1. Encourage more recycling and liaise with local businesses to reduce waste.
  2. Work closely with schools/community groups/residents/businesses to help support initiatives and raise awareness on emerging issues, such as climate change and environmental matters.

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Map what is available for training and skills across Heaton Ward. Promote employability initiatives, support community enterprise - upskilling people in neighbourhoods, linking in with Skills and Employability Services.
  2. Support business areas with improvements to make areas more attractive and safer example set up businesses watches and business forums to support the developments in the area.
  3. Support hubs to develop Initiatives which enable members of emerging communities to access training/education and employment.
  1. List of support services and venues that provide training and advice, which show gaps and opportunities for training support.
  2. Make residents and business owners feel safer and making these areas more attractive for investment.
  3. Sessions and information by partners and training providers providing opportunities for local residents.
  1. Engagement data and increase in referrals to training providers.
  2. Young people accessing training/education, support services. Number of colleges/businesses offering Traineeship/Apprenticeship programmes.
  3. Employment stats, community conversations.
  4. Increase in footfall. Survey data, business conversations.

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Develop an ongoing programme of information and engagement highlighting the ways residents can engage and access energy efficiency advice and support
  2. Encourage partnership working between local residents and policy makers to make sustainable improvements when developing new housing schemes in Heaton Ward.
  3. Encourage and support service providers to bring properties, including empty homes into good repair, support landlords and tenants.
  1. Residents better understand what is available for making their homes more energy efficient and services have a vehicle to engage with local people in Heaton.
  2. Social and Private Housing providers regularly engage with local communities to ensure their developments are sustainable and meeting the needs of the local community.
  3. Area will improve both environmentally and aesthetically.
  1. Number of engagements. Resident feedback and Median energy efficiency data (England 66 KC band 55)
  2. Active tenants groups/network. Quality of housing. Community spirit. Increased living standards and feedback.
  3. Appearance of the neighbourhood. Number of engagements . Reduction in complaints, resident feedback.

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Support Public Health and Community Partnership to make a long term plan to tackle obesity/ diabetes prevalent in some communities across Heaton Ward.
  2. Support children achieve educationally high standards by utilising out of ours schools, community centres for education and developing links with schools and faith organisations to see how both can support each other and children.
  3. Promote active life styles for young people in and out of school – work with the JU;MP project.
  1. Residents will have access and additional support they need to tackle obesity and diabetes
  2. More options for children to learn outside school hours. Faith organisations and schools and learn from each other and provide better opportunities for children to do well.
  3. Greater partnership working and more sessions including play opportunities for children across Heaton Ward.
  1. Young people engaging with initiatives, session data
  2. Young people’s feedback and perceptions of involvement in informal community activities.
  3. Joint activities, activities and meetings.
  4. Families supported. Active children.

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Work in partnership to tackle Inequalities in accessing health services – in partnership with Public Health ensure gaps on service provision are met and accesses to local services are maintained.
  2. Develop partnership work through the Enforcement Team to carry out increased enforcement on environmental issues such as fly tipping and work with partners such as with schools to change behaviours.
  3. Develop marketing campaign to promote healthy lifestyles across Heaton Ward through the JU;MP project.
  1. Mapping, sharing and greater connectivity to local services.
  2. Further enforcement action against fly-tippers and behaviour change through schools. Result in better areas to live in and thrive both physically and mentally.
  3. Work with partners to explore age-friendly networks that improves physical and mental wellbeing.
  1. Activities taking place in neighbourhoods. Sessions that have a positive impact on health. Engagement with residents through consultations around health and well-being and wider determinants of health.
  2. People taking part in activities accessing outside spaces.
  3. Health champions in local GPs. Number of projects.
  4. People accessing local health services.

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Create opportunities for residents to take part in community and civic life and strengthening community leadership.
  2. Support and encourage all communities to take part in community activity to support their area.
  3. Will work with public services to increase trust and engagement in services. Develop collaborative projects between local community organisations and public services.
  1. Developed community groups, linked groups with services, promoted civic opportunities for example School Governors, Volunteers etc.
  2. Develop on community cohesion projects opportunities for residents from different communities to support each other for example community litter picks.
  3. Developed Neighbourhood Watches, environmental projects, business watches, youth projects etc
  1. Crime statistics, ASB incidents reported.
  2. Statutory services visible in the area.
  3. Active community/groups and projects. Community spirit
  4. Young people engaging in sessions and activities
  5. More events being organised and delivered.

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Develop re-cycling projects with schools and businesses – Re-cycling Engagement Officers to carry out days of action in areas across Heaton.
  2. Develop partnership across Heaton Ward with schools/community groups/residents and businesses to highlight and improve issues for the Ward.
  1. Encourage more recycling and liaise with local businesses to reduce waste.
  2. Partnership to raise issues and explore problem solving approaches to identified concerns and support initiatives and raise awareness on emerging issues, such as climate change and environmental matters.
  1. Projects/activities taking part on green spaces.
  2. People involved in local environmental initiatives community litter picks
  3. Improved recycling rates promoted campaigns reduction in of reports of fly tipping, grot-spots cleared, residents involved in clean-ups.

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