Clayton and Fairweather Green Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Clayton and Fairweather Green Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. To establish mini employment and education hub where there is a need
  2. To bring community providers together to improve residents employability chances
  3. Connecting and encouraging new communities to use local providers and facilities to gain the skills to secure a local job
Decent Homes
  1. Explore partnership working between local communities and policymakers to address flooding.
  2. Work with private sector housing and social housing providers to improve poor housing stock.
  3. To work with partners to look at different ways to improve awareness and relations between communities and partners
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. To work with local schools to set up active groups to raise awareness, develop ideas and implement practical solutions
  2. Work with community organisations to share resources and promote existing social networks for children and families
  3. Support Bradford West family hub in improving levels of development for children in early years including parental support
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Promote and signpost people to accessible support services and sessions
  2. Support community organisations as providers of age-friendly networks
  3. Develop a partnership approach with a focus on prevention and early intervention to improve mental wellbeing and resilience
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Encourage community activities promoting civic pride.
  2. Support and encourage young people to talk to services and build relationships and trust in a safe environment.
  3. Work with the Police to build and strengthen community relationships and look at ways to encourage more reporting and feedback to residents.
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote awareness and provide practical tips to help residents make a change.
  2. Promote and support communities to be cleaner and greener.
  3. Identify suitable locations and look at practical measures for on-street charging points.

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. To establish mini employment and& education hubs taking services to where the need is, such as Thornaby Hub
  2. Identify providers who can work with Young People who are at risk of becoming NEET
  3. To support new and emerging communities to gain skills to secure local jobs
  1. Deliver a number of sessions with partners and Thornaby Hub Centre Manager.
  2. Information advice worker to
    deliver a number of sessions.
  3. To explore community surgeries/advice sessions in community settings.
  1. Resident engagement/attendance. Increase in employment.
  2. Uptake from young people, reduction in NEET and increase in employment levels.
  3. Engagement data with ESOL, Council's English Language Service, participation numbers and increase in new employment

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Encourage partnership working between local residents and policy makers to make improvements on the impact new housing has on flooding and local infrastructure.
  2. Encourage and support service providers to bring properties, including empty homes into good repair
  3. Develop an ongoing programme of information and engagement highlighting the ways residents can engage and influence long term population and regeneration planning
  1. Implement adequate flood preventative measures to address increased surface water and flooding of becks and individual homes.
  2. Better and safer housing standards. Improved working with social housing providers and explore delivery of community advice sessions
  3. Hold a number of interactive forums on current and emerging themes to give residents the opportunity to have a say, a greater understanding and get involved.
  1. Flood resilience grants and flood defence systems in place for individual homes. Flood preventative measures to allow the becks to cope with increased surface water.
  2. Improved living standards, reduction in complaints
  3. Improved relationships and awareness between local communities and partners

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Develop a network/forum to support initiatives with and in Schools to raise awareness on emerging issues that are a priority to the local community.
  2. Continue the legacy of JUMP and BiB interventions to initiate practical projects supporting long term behaviour change in young people, schools and families on physical and mental health improvement
  3. Work with the Early years’ prevention and intervention hub, to support young families, and children.
  1. Set up active working groups with local schools to address local priorities
  2. Mapping and sharing of existing social networks that provide and support children and families
  3. Mapping and sharing of local activities, out of school support and other local events.
  1. Number of schools and active groups in place. Improved communities and reduction in complaints.
  2. Increased attendance. Improvements to health and wellbeing. Reduction in numbers of young people feeling suicidal
  3. Number of families and children engaged with.

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Alongside the Community Partnership use Health networks to invest in early intervention and prevention projects to directly impact older people isolation, physical health and mental wellbeing.
  2. Facilitate the delivery of living well projects using local knowledge and expertise.
  3. Improve mental wellbeing and resilience of adults and children through a partnership approach to prevention and early intervention with education providers, NHS, the police and the voluntary and social sectors.
  1. Mapping, sharing and greater connectivity to local services.
  2. Work with partners to explore age-friendly networks that improves physical and mental wellbeing.
  3. Mapping, sharing and greater connectivity to local services.
  1. Increase in membership numbers, number of events and life expectancy. 
  2. Increase in numbers of people participating in positive lifestyle activities.
  3. Number of sessions and people attending that have a positive impact on health delivered

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Create opportunities for residents to take part in community and civic life and strengthening leadership.
  2. Support and encourage young people to talk to services and providers to help understand needs and build better relationships and trust in community settings.
  3. By working with WYP increase trust in uniformed services and decrease the fear of crime through community engagement, outreach and collaborative projects with local community organisations
  1. Residents and services have a platform to be better connected, improved social cohesion and increased community participation.
  2. Build relationships and trust with local residents, particularly young people by working with the new Thornaby hub, Community Centre Manager.
  3. More residents aware of how to report concerns, regular feedback to communities on local issues raised and outcomes
  1. Number of partnership meetings, community initiatives and residents consulted with.
  2. Residents and community perceptions and feedback. Increased numbers. Reduction in young people feeling suicidal
  3. More resident engagement and reports to the Police.

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Raise awareness in local communities of the impact of the climate emergency on the lives of people in Clayton & Fairweather Green, using appropriate communication and engagement tools, so that it does not seem like a distant problem.
  2. Support communities to reduce, reuse and recycle principle, to support the climate emergency
  3. Expand the network of electric vehicle charging points and number of electric vehicles.
  1. Information/Engagement days with partners and local schools to provide practical tips for communities to use.
  2. Deliver information/practical solutions to have a greater understanding.
  3. Improve confidence and encourage more people to buy electric vehicles.
  1. Number of schools and local organisations involved in the promotion of climate change. Residents pledge to make change 
  2. Number of days of action and community engagement. Continued reduction in recycling stats.
  3. Increased charging points, electric vehicles and less air pollution.

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