City Ward Plan 2022-2025


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City Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Mapping/training job support and promote employability projects
  2. Regenerating business areas; Great Horton Road and Ingleby Road
  3. Connecting BAME communities with educational and job opportunities
Decent Homes
  1. Improve the environment inner city areas by supporting & educating residents on taking responsibility for their gardens and streets
  2. Work with private sector/social landlords to improve property standards to support vulnerable communities, reduce overcrowding
  3. Support energy efficiency measures across city ward, focusing on the most vulnerable communities.
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Support Schools to open on evenings and weekends and use the resources for the community
  2. Work with schools to educate pupils on civic roles and responsibilities. Combating issues, littering/fly tipping and climate change
  3. Working with public health, Schools, local community groups and organisations to tackle malnutrition in children
  4. Schools and faith organisations to work in partnership in supporting young people's education and development.
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Tackle Inequalities in access to NHS services such as GP and Dentist, focus on supporting the online booking systems
  2. Improve health and well being by supporting local initiatives around health
  3. Improve the environment to enable a healthier life style.
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Work on ASB issues. Target hot spot areas including City centre, Great Horton Road/Summerville Road, Ivanhoe Road.
  2. Improve youth engagement and education. Supporting businesses in developing business watches.
  3. Support communities in developing people can initiatives including Friends of Groups, Litter picking Neighbourhood watches
A Sustainable District
  1. Target complex streets, provide a holistic approach to solutions in areas such as, Frank Street and Summerville Road.
  2. Provide information and support regarding the Bradford Clean air zone being introduced in 2022 which will reduce emissions.
  3. Support development and accessibility of green spaces for physical activity and health and wellbeing.
  4. Facilitate affordable, eco friendly housing improvements.

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Mapping/training job support in the community to improve access to the jobs market
  2. Regenerating business areas:
    • Great Horton Road
    • Ingleby Road
    Ensuring local businesses and residents are involved in the process.
  3. Connecting members from emerging minority communities with educational and job opportunities.
  1. Increased number of adults in full time employment.
  2. Identifying individuals who need extra support to get ready for the working environment and increasing their skill sets.
  3. Visitors feeling safer and more welcome when shopping. Creating a more vibrant
  4. Increased members from emerging minority communities accessing training and getting employment opportunities. Working with partners like Connecting Roma
  1. Engagement data and increase in referrals to training providers
  2. Increase in Survey Data, Business Conversations
  3. Employment statistics, community conversations

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Decent Homes 

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Adopt a multi agency approach to inner city housing where environmental issues persist. Work with wardens, recycling staff and PCSO’s to ensure landlords and tenants are aware of their responsibilities.
  2. Take action against private and social sector landlords whose properties are neglected and have rubbish in gardens. Promote the Council app for reporting fly tipping and problematic properties.
  3. Work with charities and home improvement companies to improve energy performance within City ward. Support householders most in need to get grants and upgrades they may be eligible.
  1. Tenants/Landlords are aware of their responsibilities and increased confidence to engage with uniform staff.
  2. Improve pride in the local area, including gardens and streets. More residents aware of reporting methods and taking responsibility for their neighbourhood.
  3. Improve energy efficiency amongst households. Better eco ratings in City ward and reduction in emissions.
  1. Community spirit, number of engagements and feedback.
  2. More feedback/reporting, improved appearance of the neighbourhood and resident feedback.
  3. More up to date and environment friendly households. Reduced energy consumption and better standards of living.

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Council wardens and officers/partners deliver projects in schools around local issues which affect the community and Civic roles.
  2. Use Schools/faith centres as community hubs and look at evening/ weekend opening times to cater for individuals otherwise unavailable.
  3. Explore and support networking opportunities for schools/community groups to work in partnership to address key issues being faced by children and local communities.
  1. Create a generational change and engage more young people to be part of community work.
  2. Maximising community resources by opening on evenings and weekends. Engaging with parents/children otherwise unavailable. Targeting hard to reach residents.
  3. Better links between schools. Improved access to resources.
  1. Young people engaging with initiatives, session data
  2. Young people’s feedback improvement in attainment levels.
  3. Families supported and active children
  4. Joint workshops, meetings and collaboration.

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Introduce health champions to volunteer with key surgeries/Dentists to support with online booking forms and triage, especially with those that may not be computer literate.
  2. Work closely with faith groups and community centres to support projects that tackle vulnerable groups with communities.
  3. Work with partners to set up health initiatives, referral and signposting of residents to public health programmes, for example with food charities/community groups/ schools to support families facing food poverty.
  1. More people able to book online appointments, more equality in accessing NHS services.
  2. More people taking part in physically activities. Improved physical/mental health
  3. Healthier and informed residents across all communities.
  4. More chances for people to take responsibility for their own health Increased opportunities to engage in an active lifestyle
  1. Increase number of online appointments. Engagement with people attending sessions. Residents engaging with consultations around health and well-being and wider determinants of health.
  2. People taking part in activities accessing outside spaces.
  3. Number of people interacted with and signposted. Number of programs and groups.

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Identify ASB and drug crime hotspots and develop a partnership approach to tackle these long term issues. Developing neighbourhood plans to tackle these issues.
  2. Work with businesses along Great Horton Road to develop and promote Business Watch.
  3. Work with the youth service to give young people a voice in their locality
  4. Use social media, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote Area Office work to help set up more: friends of groups, litter picks and neighbourhood watches.
  1. Better quality of life, safer neighbourhood. More residents aware of how to report concerns, reduced issues with parking, off road vehicles, dangerous driving.
  2. Better relationships with businesses and understanding of some of the issues they face, develop ideas for regeneration
  3. Young people more involved in their community.
  4. More community cohesion and participation. Promotion of ‘People Can’
  1. Crime statistics, ASB incidents reported.
  2. Number of meetings, number of participants.
  3. Young people engaging in sessions /activities
  4. Increased number of groups.

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Support local groups involved with projects to improve the outside environment. Improve green spaces – bringing derelict areas into use. Work with groups to develop green spaces for the use of community allotments.
  2. Work with charities and government to improve EPC rating of properties in City ward by providing free eco upgrades. Using our social media platforms to advertise the benefits.
  3. Work with partners and residents to develop projects that increase recycling. Engage partners to improve ‘grot-spots’ and work with residents to look at sustaining improvements
  1. More people using green spaces
  2. More eco friendly properties on the district.
  3. Increase in numbers of people participating in initiatives. Improvement in recycling rates/physical appearances of neighbourhoods. Increase in local pride and willingness to report fly tipping/waste issues.
  1. Number projects/activities taking part on green spaces.
  2. Increase in energy performance score
  3. Improved Recycling rates, promoted campaigns, reduction in reports of fly tipping, increased ‘grot-spots’ cleared, more residents involved in clean-ups.

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