Idle and Thackley Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Idle and Thackley Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Improve access to upskilling and training opportunities to enable people to become job ready with more local and practical support
  2. Work with local businesses to offer informal work experience to build confidence and experience
  3. Connect with youth workers and youth organisations across the area to raise confidence, skills and aspirations of young people
Decent Homes
  1. Connect into support available for private landlords to ensure they comply with their responsibilities in terms of housing standards, ongoing maintenance and security of tenure
  2. Assist low income home owners access existing schemes that provide funding for disrepair and increase energy efficiency measures to reduce fuel poverty and promote existing schemes to enable adaptations so people can remain in their own homes
  3. Work with landowners such as Incommunities to improve the appearance of neglected spaces surrounding housing estates
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Work with appropriate services to reduce number of young people not in full time education
  2. Ensure agencies are joined up around ‘early help’ services to support families
  3. Work with services to improve access to provision for young people out of school hours
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Work with partners to publicise and promote access to local activities and sessions to improve health and wellbeing, by increasing self–care, including with young people
  2. Work with residents and health services, through Community Partnerships, VSC organisations and other mechanisms, to support people to understand and access the different means of obtaining medical and health advice
  3. Work with a range of partners to connect people who are isolated to services and sessions which help improve their mental health
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Develop a multi-agency approach to tackle anti-social behaviour and other crime
  2. Promote opportunities for people to get involved in, and enable local activities to take place including signposting
  3. Work with residents, businesses and others to reduce litter, fly tipping and business waste to improve public spaces
A Sustainable District
  1. Skill up community activists to myth bust and give key tips to reduce living costs
  2. Enable people to develop warmer more efficient homes through accessing existing grants
  3. Support local volunteers and voluntary and community-based organisations to provide locally appropriate services and support

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Increase access to, and awareness and availability of skills training, career advice and mentoring
  2. Develop network of businesses and key individuals able to offer experience and mentoring
  3. Target young people to give them opportunities to gain skills and employment
  1. Individuals more prepared for the working environment and working routines with increased confidence
  2. Directory of individuals and businesses developed
  3. Improved confidence in young people looking for work
  1. Claimant data
  2. Increase in the number of young people in employment (paid/voluntary)
  3. Increase in the uptake of skills training
  4. Case studies, good news and feedback from partners

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Decent Homes

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Work with partner organisations and schemes and gather information on grants and opportunities for property adaptation and encourage take-up
  2. Raise awareness of roles and responsibilities of landlords and tenants to improve housing standards
  3. Work with residents and landowners to clear and improve neglected spaces
  1. More properties adapted to suit the needs of individuals
  2. Improved housing standards
  3. More informed tenants and landlords about their legal responsibilities
  4. Reduction of fly tipping and visual improvement of neglected spaces
  1. Case studies and feedback from partners and residents
  2. Decrease in fly tipping data
  3. Improved quality of life and housing standards

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Identify and work with young people with poor school attendance and ensure that they have access to positive education and / or training opportunities, including vocational pathways
  2. Raise awareness of services and opportunities for early intervention and family support and encourage families to become involved
  3. Facilitate multi-agency responses at a neighbourhood level targeted at individuals / families identified as most in need
  4. Work with partners to enhance and promote activities that improve skills and confidence in young people
  1. Improved school attendance
  2. Young people on more positive pathways
  3. Improved take-up of services and family resilience
  4. Improved collaborative working and better outcomes for young people
  1. Reduction of NEET young people
  2. Case studies, good news and feedback from partners and participants

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Work with partners, residents and health providers, including community partnerships and VCS organisations, to establish improved communication and signposting and help residents access the right front door the first time
  2. Identify and raise awareness of services promoting self-care and improved wellbeing
  3. Work with partners to identify, support and sign-post isolated and vulnerable people to services
  1. Residents accessing the most appropriate service first time
  2. Residents accessing self-care advice and services leading to reduction in GP/hospital demand
  3. Isolated and vulnerable residents engaged more effectively
  1. Case studies and feedback from partners and patients
  2. Increases in advice sought from pharmacies
  3. Case studies showing the identification of most vulnerable people and better outcomes for them

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Increase work with residents, businesses and VCS organisations to target the cause of, and reaction to, fly tipping and littering
  2. Work with VCS groups, youth service, residents and other stakeholders in the area to develop young peoples roles in local decision-making processes
  3. Work with VCS and Statutory organisations such as the Police to problem solve reported crime, identify trends and put strategies in place to target them
  4. Support and develop local events with residents and partners which bring together communities in fun and creative ways
  1. Improved visual amenity
  2. Targeted interventions such as days of action
  3. Young people feel heard
  4. More residents aware of how to report concerns
  5. Increase in targeted response to problems and identification of key geographical locations and individuals
  6. Improved community cohesion
  1. Reduction in fly tipping.
  2. Number of ASB interventions.
  3. Case studies, good news and feedback from partners
  4. Case studies about the impact of collaborative working in a hotspot area

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Creation of workshops and activity days to inform residents and other organisations of ways to improve home efficiency and reduce living costs
  2. Development of grants database or newsletters for residents and organisations to access grants for improved home efficiency and environmental sustainability
  3. Development of volunteer network where knowledge and experience can be shared and groups can be brought together
  1. Improved home efficiency
  2. Better understanding of grants system and increased uptake
  3. Shared experience and knowledge. Improved community cohesion and engagement
  1. Funding access improved
  2. Improved home efficiency
  3. Stronger community groups with increased knowledge and inter-dependency between groups

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