Bowling and Barkerend Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Bowling and Barkerend  Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Support and develop initiatives to increase adult employability and overcome barriers to work
  2. Seek out and develop opportunities that enable young people, particularly disengaged young people, to achieve their potential
  3. Promote positive role models from the community to inspire and encourage residents and young people
Decent Homes
  1. Work in partnership with housing associations and private landlords to educate and encourage them to deliver on their legal roles and responsibilities
  2. Provide information and support to tenants to enable them to address housing issues
  3. Enable residents to develop warmer more efficient homes through education and access to greener living schemes
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Create and support opportunities in the community for parents, children and young people to access after school and holiday activities and other services
  2. Encourage collaborative working between all agencies to deliver the early help agenda to improve resilience in families
  3. Engage young people in influencing and designing activities in their neighbourhoods
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Work collaboratively with the Council, NHS and other organisations to engage and signpost to enable residents to maintain a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating and keeping active
  2. Provide accessible and inclusive opportunities where residents can access support for mental health services in a secure and safe environment
  3. Reduce obesity levels in children and young people
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Reduce the impact of drugs and anti-social behaviour in the area through local intelligence and working with residents and partner organisations such as the Police, Youth Services and VCS organisations
  2. Support diversionary activities to educate and inform young people about health, crime, drugs and other issues as they arise by utilising a multi-agency approach
  3. Educate residents and businesses about of the impact fly-tipping and litter and promote changes in their behaviours and take ownership
  4. Celebrate community strengths in neighbourhoods and promote a sense of local pride
A Sustainable District
  1. Promote active travel to reduce the reliance on vehicles
  2. Support VCS providers to deliver local community provision, utilising people's existing skills, and to support VSC organisations access and apply for funding to plug gaps in services
  3. Stimulate interest in food growing and reduce waste

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Provide employability and training  services and support at neighbourhood-based hubs and centres to enable accessibility for all
  2. Develop a project to identify and involve  positive role models in promoting new  pathways for adults and young people
  3. Develop and promote volunteering opportunities, work experiences, apprenticeships and skills development to increase the confidence of young people to access the labour market
  1. Individuals better prepared for the working environment and working routines with increased and varied skills
  2. Adults and young people will have more choices in terms of education and work
  3. Better skills for work. Individuals more confident and skilled to getting into  employment
  1. Number of people attending services, activities and events and / or case studies
  2. Number of role models identified
  3. Number of adults and young people engaged
  4. Feedback from participants and case studies

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Decent Homes

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Work with rental agencies, private landlords, social housing providers and Council Private Sector Housing to encourage them to access available  resources
  2. Provide information and signpost tenants to relevant services
  3. Work with organisations and residents to develop increased understanding of energy efficiency schemes and opportunities
  1. Improved housing standards in rental market
  2. More residents taking responsibility
  3. Cleaner neighbourhoods
  4. Better quality of living, reduced energy  consumption and more energy efficient  homes
  1. Reduction in service requests
  2. Feedback from residents, partners and Wardens
  3. Resident feed back and Median Energy Efficiency Data (England 66 KC band 55)

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Link schools, VCS, Youth Services, parks and libraries to communicate what is on offer and to develop additional services out of schools hours
  2. Work with Better Start, Early Years and other relevant agencies to provide early  intervention support for families
  3. Work with Youth Service and other VCS organisations to increase opportunities for  young people to be involved in local decision-making and delivery of services
  1. Increased uptake in out of schools hours activities
  2. Increased networking opportunities
  3. More children achieving higher educational attainment
  4. Increased opportunities for children and young people’s voices to be heard
  5. Schools working together to deliver joint services
  6. Better supported and more resilient families, children are at age-related levels on entering education
  7. More young people involved and increased self esteem, confidence and aspirations
  1. Focus groups and case studies from participants and partners
  2. Feedback from participants, schools data and case studies
  3. Feedback from young people

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Map existing health initiatives and ensure there is support in place for residents to take advantage of the opportunities available, in partnership with CP5
  2. Identify gaps in local health activities and work with partners, including resident  volunteers, to address the needs
  3. Think creatively with partners about how to exploit opportunities from existing  projects/initiatives to reduce obesity
  4. Refer and signpost residents to public health programmes.
  1. Increased use of existing services and improved health
  2. Increased use of new services and improved health
  3. Reduction in levels of obesity
  4. More residents accessing health activities and / or activities that positively impact up their health
  1. Mapped services and case studies.
  2. New projects and activities developed.
  3. Obesity data and case studies
  4. Feedback from participants and case studies

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Identify anti-social behaviour and drug crime hotspots and ensure a partnership  approach is in place to tackle issues as they arise and long-term issues
  2. Work with VCS organisations, Police, Youth Service and secondary schools to  encourage development of diversionary activities
  3. Increase work with residents and social housing providers to raise the impact of and tackle fly-tipping
  4. Increase locally-based events and networking opportunities for partners and  organisations to showcase positive practice
  1. Better quality of life and people feel safer
  2. More residents aware of how to report concerns
  3. More confidence in services due to high visibility responses from providers
  4. Increased community participation and reduced ASB
  5. Reduced incidents of fly-tipping and service requests
  6. People getting along better, sharing good practice and stories
  1. Data and feedback from partners
  2. Feedback and case studies
  3. Fly-tipping data and changes in trend
  4. Good news stories

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Promote Active Travel Neighbourhoods, walking to schools and cycling initiatives.
  2. Set up a network of organisations and local residents to empower community groups and volunteers to be self-sustainable
  3. Extend the BD3 garden competition, increase the use of allotment sites, encourage more tree planting and  recycling and make use of out of date food
  1. Cleaner air and improved health
  2. Increased local network ensuring take-up of services is high and gaps in services are met
  3. More people taking part in activities to create a sustainable environment
  1. Case studies and feedback from schools, residents and partners
  2. Network established and meeting regularly
  3. Ward based environmental data and feedback from partners

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