Bolton and Undercliffe Ward Plan 2022-2025


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Bolton and Undercliffe Ward priorities

Bradford District Priority Outcomes Ward Priorities
Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy
  1. Empower local residents and support employers and businesses to offer work experience and to become mentors and coaches to act as positive role models.
  2. Explore measures to enable businesses to recover from Covid-19.
  3. Raise aspirations of and highlight opportunities for young people in voluntary and paid roles.
Decent Homes 
  1. Explore opportunities with partners to create additional green spaces for community use
  2. Explore measures to enable vulnerable residents to make adaptations and modifications to their own homes or have better access to suitable housing
  3. Ensure that access to advice, support and grants for home improvements are made readily available to local residents
Good Start, Great Schools
  1. Improve the overall literacy and numeracy skills in primary school children
  2. Increase the uptake of free child care places in local nurseries and promote the benefits to both parent/guardians
  3. Promote alternative methods of school transport that will aid the reduction of air pollution and road congestion around schools
Better Health, Better Lives
  1. Work alongside partner agencies to increase the availability of and access to provisions that can offer support to those living with mental health and cognitive issues
  2. Improve access to GPs and dentists or alternative advice to support health needs such as pharmacy contact points
  3. Develop existing amenities to encourage and enable people to become active and to promote physical wellbeing
Safe, Strong and Active Communities
  1. Work alongside communities to promote confidence and satisfaction in the Police, encourage the reporting of crime and ASB and increase community intelligence to help tackle criminality
  2. Continue the development of community resources and promote opportunities to become active citizens and signpost to groups
  3. Reduce litter, fly-tipping and dog fouling to improve public spaces such as Peel Park
A Sustainable District
  1. Work collaboratively with organisations and local residents to encourage them to grow their own produce through community garden initiatives
  2. Reduce instances of fly tipping
  3. Promote energy efficiency measures

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Better Skills, More Good Jobs and a Growing Economy

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Engage existing organisations and providers to develop a co-ordinated plan to increase opportunities employment opportunities
  2. Canvas local businesses to determine the impact and need following the Covid 19 pandemic and the economic fall out
  3. Develop business networks for help, advice and support and increase access to funding opportunities for local businesses
  4. Identify role models in the community and highlight their achievements
  5. Increase access to skills training, career advice and mentoring within secondary schools.
  1. Partners and businesses are working better together to support people into work
  2. Targeted work plan to identify businesses that require further help and support to ensure sustainability and longevity
  3. Increased access and knowledge of funding opportunities for new and existing businesses
  4. Individuals more prepared for the working environment and working routines with increased confidence
  1. Claimant data
  2. Improvement in the number of young
    people in employment (paid/voluntary)
  3. Increased uptake of skills training
  4. Established network of local businesses

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Decent Homes

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Engage with local housing developers and Council Planning Department to ensure green spaces are part of new developments
  2. Work with Adult Services and local VCS organisations to identify vulnerable adults with need
  3. Work with housing associations and local housing developers to develop and improve existing housing stock
  4. Utilise resources such as Grant Finder and identify additional funding streams available to private landlords and home owners
  1. Better quality of living, increased access to available provision
  2. Increase in suitable housing options for all that meet the needs of the community
  3. Better links between the Council, private and social landlords and housing developers
  4. More sustainable homes
  1. Community consultation
  2. Resident feed back and Median energy efficiency data (England 66 KC band 55)
  3. Stronger collaborative working leading to more suitable housing

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Good Start, Great Schools

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Build stronger links with local schools and the agencies that work in the education sector.
  2. Work alongside Early Help, Access and Take Up Team to identify low nursery uptake areas
  3. Promote the benefits of early education to parent/guardian
  4. Collaborate with local schools to promote alternative school transport methods and educate young people about climate change
  1. Increased number of young people accessing additional support, resulting in higher attainment.
  2. Increased numbers of nursery place uptake
  3. Greener, cleaner, more sustainable ward and healthier and more active people
  1. KS2 attainment data
  2. Increase in the number of families
    benefiting from free childcare
  3. Case studies and feedback from partners

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Better Health, Better Lives

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Identify and promote new and existing provisions to support those living with mental health/cognitive issues through collaborative working with statutory and VCS organisations
  2. Actively engage with the local Community Partnership to enhance and improve access to existing provision
  3. Engage with service users to identify and implement changes with a focus on self- care in communities
  1. Established network of organisations dedicated to supporting mental well- being resulting in a more effective engagement between health and well- being services offering a wider range of support to service users.
  2. Increased awareness of alternative provisions and education around personal health and dental care
  3. Increase in physical, mental, emotional, social health and well-being and an established relationship connecting Social Prescribers and VCS organisations
  1. Shorter waiting times to access NHS services through awareness of alternatives such as pharmacies and walk in centres
  2. % or perceptions/feedback from local residents directly engaging with local services
  3. Case studies

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Safe, Strong and Active Communities

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Community engagement days to build relationships with local Police Officers and PCSOs offering increased visibility and access to local Neighbourhood Policing Teams
  2. Actively promote methods of reporting crime, ASB and intelligence through portals such as Dob in a Dealer, Crimestoppers and West Yorkshire Police Contact
  3. Develop a local directory of community groups, organisations and active citizens to raise awareness and encourage closer partnership working
  4. Renew education programme with local residents and social housing around the environmental impact of fly tipping, dog fouling and littering.
  1. Increased confidence and satisfaction in Neighbourhood Policing Teams
  2. Improved visibility and promotion of positive action being taken to tackle local criminality
  3. Local residents feel safer and have better awareness of how to report crime, ASB and intelligence to the Police
  4. Networking and sharing of resources across communities enabling a stronger connection between active citizens and groups
  5. Cleaner, greener and safer communities
  1. Case studies
  2. Feedback from local residents around communication with statutory organisations.
  3. Stronger connections between active citizens and groups
  4. Reduction in fly-tipping data. Complaints around dog fouling and increase in local litter picking initiatives/groups

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A Sustainable District

Actions Outcomes Indicators
  1. Inform residents of responsibilities regarding recycling, fly tipping and rubbish disposal
  2. Work with officers, communities and VCS to host informative workshops / events
  3. Support partners to develop local growing initiatives and opportunities
  4. Raise awareness of energy efficiency measures
  1. Less residential fly tipping, more accurate and timely reporting of issues and improved recycling rates
  2. Greater understanding of and engagement with environmental issues
  3. Council land, parks and greenspaces more biodiverse
  4. More sustainable homes
  1. Reduction in instances of fly tipping
  2. Improved recycling rates
  3. Increased biodiversity
  4. More sustainable homes

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