Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 25 and Sunday, 27 October. more »

Reporting community concerns about speeding

As part of the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership and the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Partnership, Bradford Council is committed to preventing deaths and serious injuries on the roads in West Yorkshire. Excessive and inappropriate speed is one of the fatal five behaviours, which are the main factors contributing to fatal collisions.

We also recognise the anti-social and intimidating impacts of speeding on local communities, affecting their perceptions of and actual safety on our roads.

The Safety Camera Partnership promotes safe speeds by enforcing speed limits across the road network at known casualty hotspots and at other locations where there is evidence of risk associated with speed.

The use of speed cameras is just one tactic used to improve speed compliance and may not necessarily be the tactic of first resort. Other possible intervention that may be considered include education/publicity, changes to signage, road layout, and other enforcement options.

As part of their updated guidance, the Safety Camera Partnership are now able to enforce speeds at community concern sites where traffic data shows there is evidence of speed limit non-compliance, following complaints from a local community.

You can report sites of concern to Bradford Council to be considered for a speed monitoring assessment.

Please contact the Council via email, social media or by calling 01274 431000.

What happens after I have submitted a concern site?

  • If the site is not an existing core or community site, we will refer any available traffic flow data to the Safety Camera Partnership for evaluation against the relevant criteria. Where no current traffic flow data is available a new data may be commissioned using a temporary seven-day speed survey.
  • If the assessment finds that the location meets the criteria for camera deployment and the location is suitable for camera enforcement (there are the required sight-lines, available parking etc), the Partnership will commit to attending the site on at least three occasions, and the site will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the relevant highway authority in cooperation with the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership.

How long will enforcement take place for?

  • Please note that the Safety Camera Partnership cannot guarantee a time period by which enforcement will take place, due to the need to respond flexibly to a number of concern sites across the county. Community concern sites may benefit from intensive enforcement over a short period of time, followed by a longer period before enforcing again, so that the partnership can improve driver behaviour in as many locations as possible.
  • The purpose of enforcement at community concern sites is to improve speed compliance. While the Safety Camera Partnership will commit to visit the site at least three times, if our data shows the problem has improved as a result, they may decide to focus resources on other areas with greater risk.

I have reported a community concern site, but I haven’t been told that enforcement will take place – what can I do?

  • Camera enforcement is not possible at every location and in some circumstances other interventions maybe be considered/tried before camera enforcement.
  • If, following your submission of a site, your speeding concerns remain you can advise us of the location and further details such as the time of day this takes place and the matter will be reviewed with the local neighbourhood policing team and Safety Camera Partnership.

How long will it take before enforcement takes place?

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to advise of the expected period before an assessment will be carried out due to the number of ongoing submissions across West Yorkshire.
  • If a site meets the criteria for enforcement, we will not normally notify you of enforcement taking place. This is in line with our approach where safety cameras may be deployed with or without the use of speed camera warning signs. We aim to reduce risk by encouraging safe speeds at all times on the road network, regardless of whether drivers expect enforcement.

Can I report a site again if the site does not qualify after an assessment?

  • In order to proactively address the risk caused by inappropriate speed on our roads, the Safety Camera Partnership can only enforce sites where there is evidence of non-compliance with the speed limits, in line with the criteria. This allows resources to be used for areas of greatest risk.
  • You may also wish to advise West Yorkshire Police of your concerns via 101 or their Live Chat

I have concerns about driver behaviour other than speeding – where should I go?

In non-emergencies, you can also contact West Yorkshire Police via 101 or their Live Chat option.

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