West Bradford Junctions Improvement Scheme

2 General Vesting Declarations (GVD)

On 30 July 2024, the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council made the "General Vesting Declarations" referred to below by virtue of "The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Thornton Road and Cemetery Road, Bradford) (Highway Junction Improvement Scheme) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021", which had been confirmed without modification by the Secretary of State for Transport on 5 August 2021 and brought into operation on 16 September 2021, thereby enabling the Council to rely on the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire land and rights needed to facilitate the Thornton Road/Cemetery Road highway junction improvement scheme.

The land contained in each "General Vesting Declaration" will vest in the Council automatically on a "Vesting Date, being a date yet to be declared but which will be not less than 3 months from the date that each "General Vesting Declaration" was made on 30 July 2024.


For information about the "General Vesting Declarations" and compulsory purchase procedures, you should contact: John Hill, Senior Lawyer (locum) on 07966 141857 or john.hill@bradford.gov.uk

For general information about the scheme you should contact

For queries relating to land acquisition, valuation or property compensation matters you should contact Kate Okell, Chartered Surveyor, Axis Property Consultancy LLP on 0161 300 7765 or kateokell@axisllp.com.