Help with online forms

The new digital forms we now use for new licence applications and renewals have been designed to be easy to use, if however you experience any issues whilst using them please read trough our help guidelines below.

When I enter my reference number it says it cannot find my records?

Firstly ensure you are typing in your reference exactly as it appears on the email, the easiest way is to copy and paste.

Please ensure you are not trying to renew a licence that has already expired, these forms cannot be used to renew expired licences.

You will need to send an email to stating that you want to renew an expired licence. To help us direct your enquiry to the correct staff please put LICENCE EXPIRED in the subject line.

A warning message is displayed saying I currently have a form open

If you see this message it usually means you may have started to complete a form but closed it. Please ensure that you close the browser itself before reloading the form by clicking on the link in your email. Alternatively, try using a different device or computer.

I have closed the form before submitting it, will it have been saved?

No the forms are not saved before they are submitted, you will need to restart the form from the beginning.

My screen goes blank after I select the licence I want to renew

Please note that the renewal forms may not work correctly in Internet Explorer. Please use Chrome, Edge, or Safari instead.

I am having a problem with the form which is not listed above

Should you experience an issue which is not listed above please contact us by email describing the issue you are having in as much detail as possible. Please email and include the words DIGITAL FORM ISSUE in the subject line.