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Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation. SAY if you SEE something. Know the signs...

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE): What is it?

Child Sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse in which a person or persons of any age takes advantage of a power imbalance to force or entice a child into engaging in sexual activity. The imbalance of power can be as subtle as an age difference.

It is worth noting that not all children will recognise that they are being exploited and therefore might appear willing and engaging in the presence of their abuser

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE): What is it?

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) is increasingly being recognised as a major factor behind crime in communities in the UK; it also victimises vulnerable young people and leaves them at risk of harm.

Child Criminal Exploitation is where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18. The victim may have been criminally exploited even if the activity appears consensual.

CCE often occurs without the victim being aware that they are being exploited and involves children and young people being encouraged, cajoled, or threatened to carry out crime for the benefit of others.

Victims of CCE are often fearful of getting into trouble themselves – as a result of the illegal nature of the very actions they have been exploited into carrying out - so it can also be especially difficult for these young people to come forward and speak out about their situation or ask for help.

County Lines is a major cross-cutting issue involving drugs, violence, gangs, modern slavery, missing persons, criminal and sexual exploitation.

Grooming: What is it?

Grooming is manipulating a victim/vulnerable young person into a situation in order to sexually abuse them.

Grooming is a word used to describe how a sexual offender would set up the victim and get them into a situation in order to abuse them.

Sexual abuse generally takes place in a private place, so the abuser sets up opportunities to be alone with the victim. 

It can be hard to recognise when someone’s behaviour is part of grooming.

Signs to look for

  • Young person that seems to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs – overly made up or in possession of very expensive items.
  • Missing or staying out late.
  • Truants.
  • Being picked up or dropped off with or by unknown adults.
  • Excessive mobile use or multiple phones or sims.
  • Unexplained injuries – Physical injuries or unexplained bruising.
  • A young person appearing out of control or intoxicated.
  • Sexualised behaviour or language.
  • Fare with little to no luggage going to hotels or address.
  • Indications of sexual activity with one or more adults.
  • A child offers sexual acts as fare payment.

What can you do?

Keep your eyes and ears open and if you feel concerned about a situation:

Record – Note down as many details as you can about what you have noticed such as names, descriptions, locations, times, and vehicle registration plate number.

Report – Share as much information as you have about people, places or patterns of behaviour which concern you.

Respond – Pass on information and concerns that you have.

Reporting concerns

If you see something, say something

If you believe a child is in immediate risk of harm or has been harmed, you must call 999.

Consider your own safety and where possible do not place yourself at any risk of harm. If necessary, flag your concerns to the taxi operator to call 999 or another suitable person to call on your behalf at the soonest possibility and make your taxi operator aware of the actions you have taken.

Child Sexual Exploitation. SAY if you SEE something. Know the signs...