F - Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus

Architect's drawing of the Health Wellbeing and Community Campus.

Above: Architect's drawing of the Health Wellbeing and Community Campus.




To create a health and wellbeing campus offering wide range of integrated support services delivered by a skilled workforce and a team of volunteers who are trained in engaging, assessing, motivating and giving people the tools to improve their health and wellbeing.


  • The aim of the Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus is to create an inclusive, welcoming, accessible environment which will create a space for a range of health and wellbeing activities and early help and prevention support for all ages.
  • To provide a new and upgraded community space and gardens
  • To offer new facilities for skills, training and supporting enterprise in an accessible location.
  • To provide new support for voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations to collaborate, innovate, and grow.
  • To improve health and wellbeing services for people in Shipley, particularly for more vulnerable residents.
  • Establishing a new landmark close to the town centre will bring the added benefit of boosting footfall, benefitting local businesses and generating additional income for other local services.
  • The Campus not only economically benefits Shipley, but will provide resources for addressing social deprivation and health inequalities.

Position up to June 2024

Planning validated on 23 February 2024 and granted on 23 April 2024. A Community Conversation Event took place on 4 March 2024 which brought together the public and key stakeholders to discuss the proposals. Contractor appointed and due to start 3 June 2024.

Project sponsor

The Cellar Trust

Further information

For further information on this project contact Ravinder.Panesar@bradford.gov.uk.