B - Town Centre and Infrastructure Improvements

Work now completed on the Victoria Park access improvements.

Above: work now completed on the Victoria Park access improvements.

Additional real time bus information now being installed at stops around Shipley.

Above: additional real time bus information now being installed at stops around Shipley.




The significant enhancement of public realm and connectivity within Shipley town centre.

Scheme descriptions

Scheme name Scheme description
Market Square – Streets for People Public realm project for the existing Shipley Market Square that will improve air quality and safety, reduce traffic speeds, improve public transport accessibility, support walking and cycling, provide greener streets and create more pleasant places to stop, spend time and relax.
Public Toilets Provision of much needed town centre public toilets to be managed and maintained by Shipley Town Council.
Canal Road Corridor – Naturalising Bradford Beck A redesign of Bradford Beck to reduce flooding on the key road corridor connecting Shipley to Bradford, whilst also creating a new park with enhanced amenity and wildlife value. The design will involve removing an 80m long concrete culvert, re-naturalizing the flow of Bradford Beck. Towns Fund resources will be used to reinforce the routes from the de-culverting site to Shipley town centre.
Active Travel to better connect Shipley to surrounding areas and Saltaire Deliver improved active travel routes to link the Market Square project to the railway station, as well as Shipley town centre to Saltaire (along the towpath) and surrounding neighbourhoods.

Position up to June 2024

Shipley Market Square

The Streets for People procurement started in February 2024 with the paving materials – a supplier for this has now been appointed. Main contractor works went out to tender in May 2024 with an expected start date of August 2024. Phasing of the works is included in the structure of the tender but will be finalised once a contractor is appointed. Communication strategy will split to include wider public news stories, but also targeted stakeholder (particularly local traders) messaging on programme/progress.

Canal Road Corridor

The project to de-culvert a section of Bradford Beck, which brought £3.4m of match funding to Shipley Towns Fund has lost its European Structural & Investment Funding. Bradford Council still has ambitions to complete Naturalising Bradford Beck, but no timescales for delivery have been agreed.

Active Travel

The project is in concept design stage, except interventions in Wrose and Shipley which are being procured and delivered by the Highways Maintenance (North) Team. Victoria Park (footway improvements on a route to school) is complete. West Royd Avenue (reconstructed footway) in progress. Wrose Brow Road (footway improvements on a route to school) in progress.

The Canal Towpath is repairs being delivery by Canal & River Trust predominantly utilising Sustrans funding. The paths are open, but contractors still need to brush off excess grit that hasn’t knitted into the tar coat. There is wildflower seed planting due on the path margins.

Improvement to Wellcroft linking the Market Square to the library, swimming pool, Central Park and Asda are out to tender. This will improve the planting and seating along the route as well as minor alterations to the paving.

Real time bus information

7 sites completed by WYCA (West Yorkshire Combined Authority):

  • Bingley Road (Grosvenor Road) - Shipley
  • Bradford Road (Ashfield Avenue) - Frizinghall
  • Bradford Road (Norwood Terrace) - Shipley
  • Bingley Road (Dallam Road) - Saltaire
  • Bingley Road (Ferncliffe Road) - Saltaire
  • Bingley Road / Bradford Road (Victoria Park) - Shipley
  • Oatley Road (Green Lane) - Baildon.

Public toilets

Revised plan received with construction to commence in October (following diversion of the mains) and completion February 2025. Regular meetings are in place with the design team, Shipley Town Council alongside Council Officers managing the Market Square Scheme.

Project sponsor

Bradford Council

Further information

For further information on this project contact Ravinder.Panesar@bradford.gov.uk.