G - Creative Arts Hub

The Mega Drawing Box event spearheaded by Keighley Creative.

Above: The Mega Drawing Box event spearheaded by Keighley Creative.




Re-purposing a landmark town centre redundant building into a Creative Community Art Hub and create a cultural destination for the district. The proposed Arts Hub will be a facility available for hire by other community organisations, other cultural promoters and commercial partners including regular craft and specialist food and drink markets.

The grant may be used for

  • A town centre base for Keighley-wide outreach to communities, schools, and businesses.
  • An exhibition space of regional and national significance with a programme of 18+ exhibitions per year plus an annual Keighley Open.
  • A project space and mini cinema.
  • A full-time programme of education with schools and paid-for leisure learning alongside an accredited skills and training programme in partnership with Keighley College.
  • A café.
  • Hireable meeting and project spaces.
  • Up to 50 studios / creative industry business units / increased training space/rental incomes.
  • A cluster of associated boutique retail and food and beverage sub tenants, creating a distinctive destination in Keighley for day and night-time economy

Position up to April 2024

Notification that the Project Adjustment Request was approved by DLUHC on 8th March, with official notification received week commencing 11 March 2024. The project lead has recommissioned designs to RIBA 3, has recommenced lease negotiations and also progress with the Long Form Grant Funding Agreement. COF application submitted in January 2024 was successful. COF award is £1.27m Capital plus £50k revenue. The project previously attracted £250k BD:25 funding.

Project sponsor

East Street Arts / Keighley Creative.

Further information

For further information on this project contact Michelle.Rushworth@bradford.gov.uk.