C - Keighley Skills Hub




To improve the entry level employment and access to higher paid jobs which adversely affects the employability and social mobility of residents, reducing regional and national economic contribution as well as the attractiveness for continued and new investment from current and prospective employers.


  • A readily accessible venue providing local residents with the opportunity to develop essential skills and work ethics needed to be successful in the workplace.
  • 210m2 net internal area comprising three fully equipped classrooms (one with wet space for art and the second for IT), a breakout space, an office and a server room.
  • Support to 200 learners per year with a focus on hard-to-reach communities and those excluded from the job market.
  • A course curriculum delivering skills where demand is very high, ranging from supporting the development of core basic skills such as literacy, numeracy, digital to short courses and training in specific sectors where jobs could be secured including care, food hygiene and business development.
  • The Hub will deliver workshops focused on improving employability skills such as CV writing and interview preparation which will directly support individuals in gaining jobs.
  • Course content will be delivered by Keighley College staff who are already experienced in the operation of the similar existing courses.
  • 42m2 gross internal area shared social space, café and toilets.
  • A 60m2 social space will be provided in which engagement events with local employers and business will be hosted to further develop partnerships within the community and boost job opportunities for students.
  • Support to 50 to 75 local employers.

Position up to April 2024

Options appraisal being undertaken on location for the Skills Hub.

Project sponsor

Keighley College

Further information

For further information on this project contact Michelle.Rushworth@bradford.gov.uk.