Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP) for the Bradford District

5.4 Lists of Inspectors Recommendations not accepted

Each Inspector's recommendation not accepted or only accepted in part has an entry / row in the following tables.

Column 1

  • SD Ref - each decision has a reference number comprising SD followed by a prefix for the relevant volume of the UDP eg PF for Policy Framework or BN for Bradford North.
  • UDP Case Ref - the relevant paragraph, policy or site name.
  • IR - a reference to the relevant part of the Inspector's Report eg Policy Framework / Page 10, and paragraph number where applicable, or Bradford North / Page 55-57 etc.

Column 2

  • The Council's decision with regard to the Inspector's recommendation, either reject in full or accept in part

Column 3

  • Modification Reference Number - depending on whether a modification is proposed.
  • If the Council is rejecting a recommendation by the Inspector to change the Plan, and is not proposing any alternative change in its place, then there is no modification.