Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP) for the Bradford District

5.2 List of Modifications

How to read List of Modifications

Each modification has an entry / row in the following tables

Column 1

  • Modification reference - each modification has a reference number comprising MOD followed by a prefix relating to the relevant volume of the UDP eg PF for policy framework, BN for Bradford North, followed by a number. Where applicable, this reference is the same as the reference number given in column 4 of the Statement of Decisions relating to the particular paragraph, policy or site. There are also a number of consequential modifications in the tables, which do not have a corresponding entry in the Statement of Decisions.
  • UDP - the relevant paragraph, policy or site number
  • Site name - where relevant
  • IR - the Inspector's Report reference eg Policy Framework / Page 10, and paragraph number where applicable, or Bradford North / Page 55-57 etc.

Column 2

  • Existing UDP wording as set out in the Revised Deposit Version. Where necessary, further text has been inserted to enable the reader to make sense of the modification.

Column 3

  • Proposed Modification - where relevant, the block of text in column 2 has been repeated, but with the proposed modifications added using the following notations:
    • All changes in bold
    • Deleted text in strikethrough
    • New added text in italics
  • Where a new policy or site is being added, the policy or site and the written justification, which accompanies it have been included and, details of where the new policy or site is inserted in the text are also specified.

Column 4

  • Reason For the Modification - this follows the same principles regarding the level of detail and explanation as in column 3 of the Statement of Decisions, and wherever possible the same wording is used.
  • Where a consequential modification has been made, the reasoning is also set out in this column.
  • Modifications which relate to Pre Inquiry Changes are also given full reasoning.