Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP) for the Bradford District

5.1 Statement of Decisions

How to read Statement of Decisions

Each Inspector's recommendation has an entry / row in the following tables.

Column 1

  • SD Ref - each decision has a reference number comprising SD followed by a prefix for the relevant volume of the UDP eg PF for Policy Framework or BN for Bradford North.
  • UDP Case Ref - the relevant paragraph, policy or site name.
  • IR - a reference to the relevant part of the Inspector's Report eg Policy Framework / Page 10, and paragraph number where applicable, or Bradford North / Page 55-57 etc.

Column 2

  • Inspector's Recommendation - copied in full from the Inspector's Report

Column 3

  • Decision - either 'Accepted', 'Accepted In Part', or Rejected
  • Reasons - one of the following approaches is used depending on the circumstances:
    • If the Council is not accepting the Inspector's recommendation then a full, detailed explanation is given
    • If the Council is accepting the Inspector's recommendation and the Inspector's reasoning is thorough, factually accurate, and correct, then the following sentence, 'For the reasons set out in the Inspector's report' appears in the table.
    • If the Council is accepting the Inspector's recommendation but:
    • there are aspects of the reasoning which are incorrect eg Legal tests; or
    • additional reasons not mentioned by the Inspector need to be included; or
    • while the Council agrees with the recommendation, it does not agree with all of the points the Inspector makes in reaching that conclusion, then a full and detailed explanation is given.

Column 4

  • Modification Reference Number - depending on whether a modification is proposed.
  • If the Council is accepting an Inspector's recommendation not to change the plan, then there is no modification;
  • If the Council is rejecting a recommendation by the Inspector to change the Plan, and is not proposing any alternative change in its place, then again there is no modification.