Open Space and Built Recreation Facilities SPD
The Open Space and Built Recreational Facilities SPD will support the saved policies OS5 on provision of open space, and CF7A provision of built recreation facilities in the adopted Replacement UDP.
Open Space and Built Recreation Facilities Supplementary Planning Document Scoping Report
Bradford Council has commenced the preparation of a new Supplementary Planning Document for open space and built recreation facilities. This will set out how the Council will seek and deliver open space and recreation provision linked to new development. The Council has consulted on the scoping report for the SPD which sets out its purpose, key issues and suggestions on the mechanisms for securing new provision through the SPD. A separate scoping report setting out the proposed approach to Sustainability Appraisal was also been made available for public comment.
The 6 week public consultation on the Open Space and Built Recreational Facilities SPD Scoping Report and Sustainability Scoping Report closed on Monday, 14 May 2007.
It should be noted that the consultation period on the Open Space and Built Recreational Facilities SPD Scoping Report and The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report has closed.