Neighbourhood planning

1. Regulation 5 and 6 - Neighbourhood Area Designation (November 2012)

Oxenhope Parish Council submitted a Neighbourhood Area Application to the Council on 14 February 2013.

The Council undertook public consultation on the submitted application for a period of 8 weeks from Monday 22 July 2013 until Monday 16 September 2013.

As a post consultation body, Keighley Area Committee were invited to consider the Neighbourhood Area Application at its meeting on 29 October 2013.

This application was approved by the Council's Executive Committee on 5 November 2013.

The approved Oxenhope Neighbourhood Area boundary map is available for download further below, along with the Area Committee and Executive Reports.

What happens next?

The Parish Council can now begin to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, which must be in accordance with the Local Plan.

It is a legal requirement that the proposed Neighbourhood Plan be publicised and the subject of pre-submission public consultation before it is submitted to the Council.

Once the draft Neighbourhood Plan is complete following consultation the Parish Council will then submit the plan to the Council.

The Council is then responsible for publicising the plan and arranging an independent examination. The independent examiner will examine whether the plan meets the basic conditions and other relevant legal requirements. If the plan meets these requirements the examiner will recommend it proceeds to the referendum.

A referendum must take place on the submitted plan to determine if the community agrees with it. If the plan receives more than 50% of those voting in the referendum voting 'yes' then the Council will bring the plan into legal force.