Neighbourhood planning

1. Regulation 5 and 6 - Neighbourhood Area Designation (November 2013)

The Council received an initial formal application from Ilkley Parish Council on 18 June 2012 requesting designation as a neighbourhood area for the purpose of producing a neighbourhood plan. The application was accepted and published on the Council's website and formal representations invited over a 6 week period from 16 July to 27 August 2012.

The Council's Executive Committee approved the application for a Neighbourhood Area in Ilkley at its meeting on 9 October 2012.

In April 2013 a minor error with the approved neighbourhood area boundary came to light. The Council received a revised formal application from Ilkley Parish Council clarifying the extent of the boundary on 15 May 2013. The application was accepted by the Council and published on the Council's website and formal representations were invited over an 8 week period from 22 July to 16 September 2013.

As a post consultation body, Keighley Area Committee were invited to consider the Neighbourhood Area Application at its meeting on 29 October 2013.

The revised application was approved by the Council's Executive Committee on 5 November 2013.

The approved Ilkley Neighbourhood Area boundary map is available for download below, along with the Area Committee and Executive Reports.