Core Strategy DPD


Core Strategy DPD - Representations.

The following representations to the Core Strategy Publication Draft were submitted to the Council. The representations have had some personal information redacted in accordance with the protocol that was included on the Representation Form, which is repeated below.

Personal Details & Data Protection Act 1998

Regulation 22 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 requires all representations received to be submitted to the Secretary of State. By completing this form you are giving your consent to the processing of personal data by the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and that any information received by the Council, including personal data may be put into the public domain, including on the Council's website. From the details above for you and your agent (if applicable) the Council will only publish your title, last name, organisation (if relevant) and town name or post code district. Please note that the Council cannot accept any anonymous comments.

Unfortunately the quality of some files has deteriorated during the scanning and redacting process. If you are unable to read any representations please email with the file reference and we will try to assist.

The following file contains a list of all those persons and bodies who submitted a written representation to the Council, including their unique reference number.