Core Strategy DPD

3 A guide to the Core Strategy Development Plan Document

What is the Local Development Framework (LDF)?

Bradford Council is currently in the process of producing a new development plan for the District, this is called the Local Development Framework (LDF) which in time will replace the existing Replacement Unitary Development Plan (RUDP).

The development plan is used when people and businesses apply for planning permission and it is the policies within the statutory development plan that guide planning decisions within the District.

The LDF is made up of a number of individual documents that will focus on separate topics (eg housing), or a geographical area (eg Bradford City Centre), which will be built up over time. These documents will set out the Council's policies for development and use of land which together will deliver the spatial vision and objectives for the Bradford District by 2028.

What is the Core Strategy?

The Core Strategy is one of the key Strategic Planning documents that will form part of the emerging LDF for the Bradford District.

The Core Strategy will:

  • Set out the broad aims and objectives for sustainable development in the District for the next 15 to 20 years.
  • Set out broad policies for steering and shaping development.
  • Set out broad locations for new housing and employment growth and infrastructure investment.
  • Take account of national and regional policy and the Council's aims in the 2020 Vision and The Big Plan - the Sustainable Community Strategy.

The Core Strategy will not:

  • Allocate specific sites for development of new housing or employment uses.

The Further Engagement Draft Consultation - 2011

As part of the preparation of the LDF, Bradford Council published the Core Strategy Further Engagement Draft Document for consultation.

This document sets out how the Council would prefer to see Bradford grow over the next 15 to 20 years. It includes a vision and a set of objectives to achieve the vision for the district along with a policy framework.

The Consultation ran from Friday 28 October 2011 to Friday 20 January 2012

How will it affect me?

Planning affects aspects of everyone's lives on a daily basis. It determines where we live, where we go to work, where we do our shopping, where we play, the type, style and location of our housing and how we get around those areas of the built and natural environment that we choose to protect and enhance.

How can I get involved?

Bradford Council welcomes your views and comments on the consultation documents and will take all comments into consideration when producing the next stage of the plan - the Submission Draft Document.

Where can I view the consultation documents?

You can view the consultation documents as well as all the background documents on the Council's website, or at:

  • Bradford Council planning offices at
    • Britannia House, Bradford
    • Shipley One Stop Shop, Shipley Town Hall
    • Keighley Town Hall
    • Ilkley Town Hall
  • In the main libraries at:
    • Bradford
    • Bingley
    • Ilkley
    • Keighley
    • Shipley
  • Or request a CD containing the consultation documents: Telephone 01274 433679

How do I submit my comments?

The consultation has now ended. Please contact