Core Strategy DPD

Health Impact Assessment

As part of ongoing liaison and joint working on the Local Plan, the NHS Bradford and Airedale Public Health Directorate agreed, in April 2012, to produce a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the Core Strategy Further Engagement Draft (CSFED) to inform the preparation of the Core Strategy Publication Draft (CSPD).

In April 2013 the public health function was transferred from the NHS to the Council, and the HIA was completed by the Department of Public Health in October 2013.

The document examines the likely health impacts that the implementation of the proposed CSFED would bring to the population of the Bradford District

The HIA has two parts. The first part looked at each Strategic Objective, Strategic Core Policy, and more generally at the Thematic Policies. These were assessed for the health and wellbeing impact that they were likely to cause, using the Public Health Outcomes Framework.

The second part was a gap analysis and gave a series of recommendations that would ensure the Core Strategy contributes towards creating an environment that positively impacts on physical and mental health. It examined whether factors that could have a positive impact on health and wellbeing are covered within the CSFED.

The HIA concluded with 10 proposed inclusions to be used in the CSPD.

The HIA was used to inform the CSPD. A Planning Response Document was produced to show how the CSPD took account of the 10 proposed inclusions.

The Response Document was accepted by letter from the Department of Public Health in February 2014.

Together, the HIA; the Planning Response Document; and the acceptance letter from the Department of Public Health, comprise an HIA of the CSPD.

The Proposed Main Modifications to the CSPD have been considered by the Department of Public Health and they responded in November 2015.