Core Strategy DPD

Background documents

Three background documents have been prepared which set out further information on the Core Strategy Publication Draft and the process that has been undertaken to date which has shaped key elements of the strategy. The background documents are live drafts and may be updated and/or added to, prior to formal submission of the Core Strategy. They have been issued to assist a deeper understanding of the chosen approaches, how the evidence, consultation and engagement have shaped the approach and how they meet NPPF requirements. The three background documents issued are:

1. Overview

Provides the context and outlines the process of preparation and key evidence and appraisals which have informed the approach and a summary of work to date on Duty to Cooperate.

2. Housing

Split into two parts - Part 1 examines the Housing Requirement, Supply and Distribution while Part 2 deals with Housing Mix, Quality and Affordability.

3. Economy and Jobs

Sets out approach to economic development including supply of new land and protection of existing employment land as well as approach to retail and centres.