Community Infrastructure Levy

3. Submission for examination (May 2016)

Following consultation on the CIL Publication Draft the Council submitted the CIL Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate on 12 May 2016, for public examination by an independent Planning Inspector.

The Examiner

Ms Louise Nurser BA (Hons) Dip UP MRTPI has been appointed to undertake the examination into the CIL.

The Programme Officer

The Council has appointed Ms Carmel Edwards as the Programme Officer for the examination who will deal with all administrative, procedural and programming matters.

The Programme Officer is not a Council Officer and has not been involved in the preparation of the CIL. The Programme Officer works solely to the direction of the Examiner

Contact details for the Programme Officer will be made available on the Examination page.

How to view the key submission documents

Hard copies of the CIL Submission Draft along with the key submission documents will be made available to view at the following Council offices and libraries across the Bradford District:

Council Offices

Open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4.30pm

  • Bradford Planning Reception, Britannia House, Bradford, BD1 1HX
  • Keighley One Stop Shop, Town Hall, Bow Street, Keighley, BD2 3SX


  • Bradford City Library, Centenary Square, Bradford, BD1 1SD
  • Bradford Local Studies Library, Old Central Library, Princes Way, Bradford, BD1 1NN
  • Shipley Library, 2 Wellcroft, Shipley, BD18 3QH
  • Bingley Library, Myrtle Walk, Bingley, BD16 1AW
  • Keighley Library, North Street, Keighley, BD21 3SX
  • Ilkley Library, Station Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HA

What is the Community Infrastructure Levy?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy which the Council may charge on new developments in the District.

The money raised will help the Council pay for infrastructure such as schools, transport, parks, open spaces and other community facilities required to support new housing and economic development in the District.

The Bradford District CIL is being prepared by the Council alongside the Local Plan for Bradford.

CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule

The Council consulted on the first stage of introducing a charge on new development - a Community Infrastructure Levy - to support the delivery of essential infrastructure across the District.

The consultation focussed on the proposed charge rates in the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule. A Background Report was prepared by way of further explanation. The following supporting evidence base documents were also made available for comment:

  • Bradford CIL - Economic Viability Evidence
  • Local Infrastructure Plan Evidence

Public Consultation - Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (July - September 2015)

The public consultation on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule has now closed.

What happens next?

Once the Council has considered all the representations received, it will produce a Draft Charging Schedule, which will be subject to a further round of consultation before being submitted for Examination. The Council anticipates adopting the CIL charging rates during 2016.

How can I find out more?

If you have any questions please contact the Development Plans team on 01274 433679 or email

The Planning Advisory Service website provides further useful information on CIL.