Bradford District Local Plan

Draft Bradford District Local Plan - Preferred Options (Regulation 18)

Thank you to everybody who has submitted a representation on the new Draft Local Plan. This information has been processed and summaries of representations received can be viewed on the Opus Connect consultation portal:

Click here to view the Draft Bradford District Local Plan (under historic documents)

Mapping information on the proposed site allocations and rejected sites for this stage of the consultation is still available to view below:

Next steps

The Council is currently working on producing the next stage of the Local Plan (Submission Draft Local Plan - Regulation 19) which is due for publication later this year. This plan will include updates to planning policies and allocated sites for housing, employment and other uses plus land designations for open space and other matters.

The Council is also finalising the evidence base to support the plan including new work on transport, social and community infrastructure and environmental issues.

If you wish to be kept informed about the Local Plan and not registered to date, please keep up to date by subscribing to Stay Connected or follow us on X and Facebook.