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Pest control

The Council does not provide a pest control service but we can give advice to help you keep your home and garden pest free.

You are responsible for keeping your land and buildings free from vermin. If your property has an infestation, you should contact a pest control expert who will be able to advise and offer practical help.

Pest control services

The Council does not recommend any pest control services but the National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA) and the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) can provide details of local professional pest control services.

Why are rats a problem in your home and garden?

Rats can spread disease and damage your property.

When rats and mice walk around they urinate and leave droppings everywhere. They carry diseases such as Weils disease which can cause kidney and liver failure.

When rats are in your property they don’t care what they gnaw on so they can cause a lot of damage to your property and, if they gnaw on electric cables, it can also cause fires.

How can I keep my home rat free?

Keep your property secure to stop rats gaining entry:

  • block up gaps around pipes and steps
  • make sure your doors fit properly
  • repair any holes in the pointing or air grates.

Keep rats away from your garden by making sure you:

  • keep rubbish in your bin
  • clean up spills from around your bin
  • don't leave bin bags outside
  • don't put food out for the birds
  • keep your garden clutter free

Please note: If you feed birds by throwing food out onto the street you may be issued with a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice for littering.

Feeding the birds

If you want to keep rats away from your property or public parks then please - don't feed the birds!

Rats and mice can't live if they don’t have food, water and shelter. When you leave food scraps out for birds you will attract rats and other vermin into the area which can spread disease and damage your property.

Rats will eat almost anything. But the seeds nuts and grubs birds enjoy are rat favourites.

The best solution if you want to continue to feed birds is to have a high up bird feeder as the rats will not climb this looking for food. They will look on the ground for any spillages so please make sure you clear up any bird food you accidentally spill on the floor.

Pests on public land or neighbouring properties

If you are worried about pests or vermin on public land or outside a neighbouring property, contact us on 01274 434366 or contact us online.

Filthy and/or verminous premises

When a property has a lot of food waste, faecal material, soiled clothing or furniture or is infested with vermin (including rats, mice, insects or parasites including their eggs, larvae and pupae) it may be termed 'filthy and/or verminous'. These properties are often difficult to access, and that may present a physical or fire risk to the occupants and adjoining premises. For advice, contact the Housing Standards Team by emailing or telephone 01274 434520.

Animals protected by UK law


The treatment of bees is discouraged for environmental reasons. The British Beekeepers Association hold a list of names and addresses of bee keepers who may collect the bees for a fee.


All UK bats are protected by law, and it is a criminal offence to kill or injure them. It is also an offence to destroy or obstruct access to their roost. Natural England can offer advice on what to do if you need to move bats or a bat roost.

Contact details

Environmental Health
Britannia House

Phone : 01274 434366