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Help with managing your money and debt

If you are concerned about managing your money or you have debts, try not to worry, but do not ignore your problem - it won’t go away. For instance, if you cannot pay your rent because of money problems you may be evicted from your home. You must ask for help.

Payday loans can seem like an easy source of quick cash - but appearances can be deceptive!

If you can't pay on the due date, they'll say okay and let you roll the loan over for up to 3 months, but they'll then hit you even harder in the pocket.

A typical payday loan from a prominent Payday lender of £200 over 30 days would cost £267 to repay in one lump sum. If you have to roll it over for up to 3 months, your debt will rise to £470.

There are many organisations that can provide this help. They are listed below.

Bradford and District Credit Union

The Credit Union is an ethical savings and loans organisation for people who live or work within Bradford district. They are an alternative to high street banks, doorstep loan sharks and other costly money-lenders.

In the example above, the same loan from your Credit Union, repaid over 20 weeks would cost only £211.20 in total.

Bradford & Airedale Citizens Advice Bureau

  • Free, confidential, independent and reliable advice
  • Call 03442 451282
  • Open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm

You can find details on the Citizens Advice website

National Debtline

0808 808 4000

This is a telephone-based service and is a national helpline for people with debt problems. They will discuss debt problems with you and explain the options available to you.

Debt Support Trust

Debt Support Trust is a registered money advice charity providing free advice on a debt management plan, IVA, trust deed and Bankruptcy, among other solutions.

Take the Debt Test for online debt help or call 0800 085 0226.

The Money Advice Service

For information and advice on how to handle your money.


0800 138 1111

StepChange Debt Charity provides free and confidential debt advice, budgeting help, Debt Management Plans and even can even help with applying for Breathing Space (60 days no creditor contact or fees as you activate a solution).

Take their 60 second debt test.

Free help is available 24/7 via their online debt advice service.


Payplan provide free debt advice and information for people struggling to manage their money. Their expertise covers a range of formal debt solutions available, such as IVAs and Debt Management Plans as well as general debt advice guides.

Age UK

Age UK provides information on income and benefits for older people.

You can find your local Age UK branch in the telephone directory.

The Money Charity

The Money Charity provides information and guidance for people with debt or money worries.


Get organised with money

If you have ever looked at your pile of papers and bills and thought you don’t know where to begin, you’ll find help here to get you started.

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