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Neighbourhood Privacy Notice

What information do we collect

Common to all service areas

  • Name, address, contact details
  • Correspondence (emails, letters, typed notes of telephone conversations)
  • Bank account details if applicable

Safer Communities

  • Case notes
  • Meeting notes
  • Medical information

Youth Service

  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Case notes
  • Photographs (for good news stories)
  • Attendance in youth service delivered and funded youth provisions

Parking Services

  • Photographic evidence
  • Vehicle details

Environmental Enforcement

  • CCTV video footage
  • DVLA information
  • Land Registry Information
  • Council tax records
  • Prosecution and Simple Caution files

Wardens Service

  • Body camera footage

Who uses this information?

Neighbourhood and Customer Services officers use this information. It may also be used by other council and government departments where it is legal to do so.

Why do we use this information?

We use this information to ensure that the Neighbourhood and Customer Services can:

  • Process grant funding applications
  • Process Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) and Community Protection Notices (CPNs)
  • Ensure residents and organisational representatives are given information about and invited to events
  • Ensure notes are relevant to individual cases
  • Reducing crime and tackling ASB
  • Preventing and early intervention to address ASB and low level nuisance
  • Protecting communities, victims and witnesses
  • Sharing information to address wider community safety concerns

What authority does CBMDC have to collect and use this information?

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulations, CBMDC collects and uses this information under powers given to Local Authorities (councils). The following categories of lawfulness apply:

6(1)(c)   Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation

6(1)(d)   Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of a data subject or another person

6(1)(e)   Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller

In the rare circumstance that we don’t have a legal authority to use your information, we will obtain your consent first.

Who are we likely to share this information with?

We may sometimes share the information we have collected about you where it is necessary, lawful and fair to do so. In each case we will only share the minimum amount of information, only when required for the following reasons:

With other Bradford Council departments to:

  • Help safeguard vulnerable adults and children
  • Provide advice and assistance to you
  • Help carry out their legal duties, including the enforcement of regulations
  • Protect public money

With other government departments and the police to:

  • Help safeguard vulnerable adults and children
  • Prevent, detect and prosecute crime
  • Protect public money

With other organisations (with your consent, or where the law allows us) to:

  • Provide services to you on the Council’s behalf
  • Provide services to the Council
  • Protect public money (we may pass your details to debt collection agencies if you have not paid what is owed to the Council)

Data Sharing Agreements are held between West Yorkshire Police and anyone who attends meetings where information is shared

How do we keep this information secure?

Your information is stored securely on database and document management systems with stringent access and use policies. We also undertake quality checks and monitoring to ensure the information we hold is accurate at the time and being used appropriately.

When computers make any decisions about you

Parking – if Parking fines are not paid, our system will automatically escalate your account and you will be referred to the next stage of the process for collecting payment or taking to court

When your data gets sent to other countries

We do not send any information we collect about you outside the United Kingdom.

How long do we keep this information?

  • Financial records are retained in line with HMRC requirements
  • Personal records are retained for the duration of the case and are destroyed when no longer required
  • Contact details are retained until such time as you instruct us to delete them or when we no longer need them
  • We have a record retention schedule which details how long we keep different types of records and what we do with them when we no longer need them.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request CBMDC to stop processing your personal data in relation to any council service.  See our main Privacy Notice for details.

This page was last updated on :
Fri, May 17, 2024 at 03:34 PM

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