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Marketing and Communications Privacy Notice

What information do we collect


  • Name, address, contact details including email address, mobile phone number and/or social media user name
  • Correspondence (including emails, social media posts)
  • Photos and videos

Disabled children’s information service only

  • Date of birth
  • Sensitive information (health records)
  • Name(s) and address(es) of family members

Who uses this information?

Office of the Chief Executive (Marketing and Communications Team)

Why do we use this information?

We use this information about you to:

  • Communicate with you in formats (eg email newsletter, printed mail-out or magazine) you have consented to receive and about subjects that you have consented to hear about
  • Communicate with you on social media in line with the terms and conditions of those social media sites
  • Communicate with you about matters of public interest such as emergency situations affecting the Bradford District
  • Communicate with you about a matter where there is another lawful basis for doing so, and where it is justified and fair under powers given to Local Authorities or under other legitimate interest.

In the case of photos and videos, with your consent we may use this to create communications products such as social media posts, advertising, leaflets, digital marketing and printed marketing.

What authority does Bradford Council have to collect and use this information?

  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
  • Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract
  • Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
  • Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of a data subject or another person
  • Processing is necessary for carrying out obligations under employment, social security or social protection law, or a collective agreement
  • Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of a data subject or another individual where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent
  • Processing relates to personal data manifestly made public by the data subject
  • Processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health

Who are we likely to share this information with?

Within Bradford Council:

  • Information may be shared with other Bradford Council departments where necessary to follow up a service request, complaint or to take other action requested by or agreed with you.

With other organisations or companies (with your consent, or where the law allows us):

  • Individual’s names and addresses may be shared with a third party print distribution company in order to distribute information you have requested or agreed to receive, or we have a lawful reason for sending you. We have strict processes to ensure that the information is deleted once it has been used and cannot be used or shared in any way other than for the specific mail-out for which it was provided.
  • Social media user names and correspondence, including any additional personal information you include in your social media correspondence with us (such as your address) may be shared with our social media management system suppliers in the course of our using these systems. Any data shared in this way is bound by our contracts with our suppliers which ensure information is correctly handled in accordance with data protection laws.   

Information may also be shared with other Council departments or third parties where legal to do so – for full details see the Council’s main privacy notice.

How do we keep this information secure?

Electronic information is stored securely on databases, systems or internal drives.

Paper information is in locked storage.

When computers make any decisions about you

Not applicable

When your data gets sent to other countries

Not applicable

How long do we keep this information?

Data you shared with us on social media is stored on those social media sites. You are advised to check the privacy notices or terms and conditions of your social media sites for more information.

Information you voluntarily supplied to us, in order for us to communicate with you, will be kept until:

  • the matter about which we are communicating with you concludes, expires or ceases to be relevant, or
  • you ask us to stop communicating with you.

In the case of expired memberships we may retain your information for a maximum of two years in order to contact you about renewing your membership.

Any photos or videos of you, which you have consented for us to use, will be stored on our internal servers for a maximum of five years. You can request your photo or video to be deleted at any point before this expiry date. Photos and videos used on social media and other digital formats are deemed 'published' and in the public domain. Where reasonable and practical we will endeavour to delete such published personal information on request, however we cannot be responsible for any copies of the material created by subsequent sharing by a third party.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request Bradford Council to stop processing your personal data in relation to any council service.  See our main Privacy Notice for details.

This page was last updated on :
Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 02:38 PM

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