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Legal Services Privacy Notice

What information do we collect

We may collect some or all of the following information about you

  • Name, address, contact details
  • Correspondence (emails, letters, supporting documents)
  • Conversations (recorded and typed notes of telephone conversations)
  • Case notes
  • Witness statements
  • Court and tribunal proceedings
  • Bank account details if applicable

Why do we use this information?

  • To monitor Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) authorisations
  • To manage legal cases
  • Equality Monitoring

What authority does CBMDC have to collect and use this information?

Legal obligation under various UK laws including but not limited to:

  • The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000,
  • The Equality Act 2010; and
  • The following areas of law / common law:
    • Adult Social Care
    • Childcare
    • Employment
    • Education
    • Litigation
    • Commercial
    • Property
    • Planning
    • Highways
    • Environmental
    • Local Government
    • Coronial
    • Judicial Review
    • Information Law

Who are we likely to share this information with?

We may sometimes share the information we have collected about you with the following where it is necessary, lawful and fair to do so. In each case we will only share the minimum amount of information:

  • Other council services
  • National Regulators eg Information Commissioner’s Office
  • The Courts, judges, coroners, Crown Prosecution Service, Employment Tribunals
  • Legal representatives of other parties
  • Barristers and external solicitors acting on behalf of the Council  
  • Expert witnesses
  • The Police and other crime enforcement agencies.
  • Other public authorities eg schools, NHS, councils, government departments (HMRC, DWP, Immigration etc.)
  • Land Registry
  • Debt collectors
  • Union representatives (with consent).
  • Elected Members and MPs (as your representative)
  • Contractors providing IT services, case management systems

How do we keep this information secure?

Your information is stored securely on database and document management systems with stringent access and use policies. We also undertake quality checks and monitoring to ensure the information we hold is accurate at the time and being used appropriately.

When computers make any decisions about you

Not applicable.

When your data gets sent to other countries

We do not send any information we collect about you outside the United Kingdom.

How long do we keep this information?

We have a record retention schedule which details how long we keep different types of records and what we do with them when we no longer need them.

What are your rights?

You have the right to request CBMDC to stop processing your personal data in relation to any council service.  See our main Privacy Notice for details.

This page was last updated on :
Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 09:56 AM

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