Housing and related strategies

This page summarises and provides links to the various housing and related strategies for the district.

Housing Strategy

The Housing Strategy 2020 - 2030 has the vision that 'everyone in Bradford District should have a place to call home which meets their needs and in which they can thrive' The vision is to be achieved through 3 objectives:

  • More homes - increase house building, deliver more family homes, increase the supply of affordable homes and reduce the number of empty homes
  • Quality homes and neighbourhoods - deal with poor stock quality, address the health impacts of poor quality stock, promote design that has a positive impact on health and wellbeing and minimises any environmental impact
  • Homes for all - help residents to improve access to housing, support specialist accommodation and help vulnerable people maintain tenancies

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-2025 has the vision that 'across our partnership we will strive towards ending homelessness and rough sleeping once and for all - homelessness is everyone's business'. This vision is to be achieved through 5 themes:

  • Early intervention and prevention of homelessness
  • Deliver support in the right way at the right time to people who are homeless
  • Tackle rough sleeping
  • Improve access to housing for people who are homeless
  • Work better together

Tackling Empty Homes in the Bradford District: Action Plan 2021 - 2025

"Tackling Empty Homes in the Bradford District: Action Plan 2021-2025" is Bradford's action plan for dealing with empty homes in the district. The plan looks at how we can bring more empty homes back into use. 

Housing strategy for the over 50s

“Great Places to Grow Old” is Bradford’s housing strategy for the over 50s 2011-2020 and sits under the joint housing strategy for the district. The strategy was developed in consultation with the district's Older People’s Partnership.

Tenancy Strategy

The Bradford Council Tenancy Strategy sets out how the Council would see Registered Providers (Housing Associations) using Lifetime or Fixed Term tenancies. The Council supports the continued use of Lifetime (assured) tenancies as opposed to Fixed Term tenancies, in the social housing sector. The strategy sets out two principles that Registered Providers should have regard to when formulating their tenancy policies and other related business plans:

  • Principle One: Stability for vulnerable tenants
  • Principle Two: Flexibility

The Localism Act required all local authorities with housing responsibility to produce a Tenancy Strategy.

Housing Allocations Policy

The Housing Allocations Policy is a shared policy between the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Incommunities Group Ltd and other Registered Providers of social housing operating in the district. The policy relates to the allocation of social housing in the district.