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Information for tenants about Houses in Multiple Occupancy (HMOs)

Do you live in a bedsit, as part of a shared house or in a flat?

If so the risk of death or injury, particularly from fire, can be up to 17 times greater than in a single occupied property. To reduce these risks extra standards apply to such properties. These include:

  • fire precautions (for example fire alarms, emergency lighting, fire doors)
  • additional kitchen facilities. One kitchen per three occupants for properties occupied as bedsit accommodation where tenants share kitchen facilities; and one kitchen for five occupants in shared houses
  • additional bathroom facilities, when shared. At least one bathroom per five occupants
  • minimum room sizes depending on how many people occupy the property and whether a communal living space is available
  • extra management responsibilities (for example the cleanliness of the common areas and general maintenance of the property including refuse facilities, yards and gardens).

Bradford Council’s HMO team are responsible for ensuring that HMOs in the district reach at least the minimum legal standards.

Bradford Council has published some fire safety principles (PDF, 576 Kb) which sets out what type of fire precautions and arrangements are acceptable for different types of accommodation.  

How can we help?

We can help by telling tenants about their rights and ensuring that landlords carry out their obligations to the occupier. In particular we can help with:

  • disrepair, structural instability and dampness
  • inadequate lighting, heating and ventilation
  • a lack of, or an unhealthy, water supply
  • inadequate kitchen or bathroom facilities (including hot water)
  • dangerous gas or electrical installations and appliances
  • harassment and attempted or actual illegal eviction
  • overcrowding
  • ensuring adequate fire safety.

What you can do before you move in

  • carefully check the house before agreeing to rent it
  • make sure that the house has adequate amenities
  • make sure that you see, read and understand the contract before you sign it
  • make sure there are fire precautions and fire doors in the property
  • ask to see a Gas Safety Certificate for the house. Your Landlord must provide one by law
  • make sure you know who your landlord or agent is, where they live and how to contact them in an emergency.

What you can do after you move in

  • occupy the property in a reasonable manner - this is a legal obligation
  • don't tamper with any safety equipment (for example fire alarms and extinguishers, door closers)
  • co-operate with the manager by keeping the house safe and clean
  • report any damage or necessary repairs to your landlord, including to smoke and CO alarms

Other responsibilities

Owners have responsibilities under other legislation to make sure that properties are up to standard in such things as fire precautions, bathrooms, kitchens, repairs etc.


To ensure compliance with the required standards, the Council will abide by our Enforcement Policy (PDF).


The Council has the power to issue civil penalty notices for certain offences under the Housing Act 2004 and the fine can be up to a maximum £30,000 for each offence.  

The Council also has powers to prosecute for a wide range of offences and will do so in line with its enforcement policy.  The penalty charge for a prosecution can be unlimited monetary fine or even a  custodial sentence for certain exceptional offences.

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Contact details

Housing Standards Team
8th Floor, Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way,

Email :