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Empty homes advisors

Empty Homes Advisors are part of the Council’s Empty Homes and Loans team.  They work with the owners of empty properties to bring these back in to use.  The Empty Homes Advisers will discuss the options available with the owner and agree the steps that will be taken with everyone who is involved.

How is this achieved?

The Empty Homes Advisors’ aim is to bring empty properties back into use as homes.  To do this the advisors will:

  • visit the empty property - they will usually take photographs to record the state that it is in 
  • arrange an appointment to meet the owner either at the Council’s office or the empty property 
  • discuss the particular circumstances surrounding the empty property and advise the owner of their options, and the ways that we can help 
  • contact the owner on a regular basis, to find out how they are progressing and to help deal with any problems they may be having.

If you would like an advisor to contact you please telephone 01274 434520.

Contact details

Empty Homes and Loans Team
8th Floor
Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way

Phone : 01274 434520
Email :