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Exemptions to the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards

The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards stop landlords from letting properties with an Energy Performance Certificate rating below E. 

There are some exemptions from the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard.  Landlords need to apply for an exemption and this will then be recorded on the Private Rented Sector Exemptions Register. If you plan to exempt a property you should apply to register this as soon as possible so that you do not breach the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards.

What exemptions apply

For full details about the exemptions that may apply go to the website. Exemptions include things like:

  • You have spent up to the cost cap of £3,500 (including VAT) and have still not been able to raise the rating of the property to E.
  • The cost of even the cheapest recommendation to improve energy efficiency up to a rating of E is more that £3,500 (including VAT).
  • The only option for improving energy efficiency is wall insulation and this is likely to harm the fabric or structure of the building.
  • You cannot get the consents that you need to carry out the improvements.
  • Any energy efficiency improvements are likely to reduce the overall value of your property by more than 5%.

Generally, exemptions only last for 5 years at a time. There is also an exemption if you have recently become a landlord (in certain circumstances) but this only last for 6 months.