Happy healthy pregnancy
Helping you to have a healthy happy pregnancy.
A little peace of mind
We know this time may bring some feelings of sadness, worry, or frustration as your pregnancy is different from how you imagined it might be.
Having a baby is a time of change but things are particularly different at the moment. We want you to feel calm and keep enjoying your pregnancy, knowing that you and your baby will be looked after.
Bradford Antenatal, Birth and Beyond
National guidance changes regularly about the care of you and your baby and you can find more advice on the NHS website.
Important things to remember when pregnant during COVID-19
Pregnant women are in the “at risk” group and asked to self isolate during your pregnancy as a precautionary measure. If you are in your third trimester you should be strictly practicing social distancing. As this is a very new virus we are just beginning to learn about it.
Things can seem daunting when they are uncertain, so the best thing you can do is take any precautions you can, prioritise your mental and physical health, and keep in touch with loved ones. Try not to predict the future and take each day as it comes.
There is no evidence that the coronavirus can infect your baby before birth (in utero).
That is comforting to know. Soon you’ll be welcoming a new member into the family. Until then, stay at home and be kind to yourself as you’re doing all you can.
For support about how to get off to a good start.
Stay connected: Stay in touch with friends/family other pregnant women by telephone/Face time/Houseparty etc. Your support network care about both you and your baby. Reach out to other parents-to-be.
Dads can also get support from the How are You Dad website.
Talk to your partner, trusted friend or family member and share how you are both feeling.
Good communication will help both of you to feel supported and stay calm.
When you feel happy or laugh, your baby will get those good feelings too. Every little moment helps.
Stay well: Keep active every day by doing prenatal or other exercises in the home. Eat a healthy and balanced diet and stay hydrated.
Why not try prenatal or postnatal yoga on the NHS website.
Stay positive: Give yourself regular ‘me time’, doing something that makes you feel good. Take time to think about how you would like to feed your baby. You can speak to the Breastfeeding Buddies on Facebook.
Be prepared: You may be concerned you don’t have everything you need for you and your baby. Online shopping is still available from lots of retailers (with many offering free delivery).
It’s important to remember you are the most important thing in your baby’s life!
If you require help that you cannot get anywhere else ring Bradford Council 01274 431000.
Please continue to call your maternity unit if you have any concerns. It is vitally important that you call if you are worried about your baby’s movements, if you think you are in labour, have pain, vaginal loss or bleeding or any other urgent concerns about your pregnancy. Please don’t wait!
Support to quit smoking
You can get support to quit from the Bradford Stop Smoking Service by calling 01274 437700 or by emailing StopSmokingService@bradford.gov.uk.
You can also get advice about keeping your home smoke free.