Bradford Needle and Syringe Programme

The Bradford Needle and Syringe Programme is delivered by New Vison Bradford

The service is aimed at anyone involved in injecting drug use, from people who are injecting street drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine and anabolic steroids. All information collected by the scheme is kept confidential and pseudo-anonymised. We offer a full range of low dead space injecting equipment

We also provide comprehensive safe disposal facilities and all people who use the service are encouraged to return their used equipment for safe disposal.

To access this service please contact:

Website: New Vision Bradford
Telephone: 01274 296023

For further information please contact the Needle and Syringe Programme.

What to do if you have found a needle

Finding a used needle or syringe can be worrying. Although there is little risk of contracting HIV infection, there is a very small chance that any cut or injury caused by a used needle could result in Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, tetanus or similar infection.

Children should be told to immediately inform an adult if they find a discarded needle, but not to touch or play with it.

How to dispose of used needles and syringes

  1. Find a container, such as a bottle, or glass jar with a secure lid. The container needs to be made of strong material that is unable to be pierced.
  2. Wear thick gloves, like gardening gloves, when handling needles or syringes.
  3. Take the container to the needles and avoid carrying used needles around. Pick up and hold the syringe by the base and not the point of the needle.
  4. Once you have safely secured the needle and syringe, you can take them to a needle exchange pharmacy or New Vision Bradford where they will be safely disposed of.
  5. In the event of finding a number of needles please call 01274 431000.

Needlestick injury

If you injure yourself with a needle, remain calm and try not to panic; encourage the wound to bleed by squeezing firmly and hold under cold running water for up to 5 minutes. Dry the wound and apply a plaster. Do not suck the wound.

If you are concerned, contact an accident and emergency department or your GP.

Information about needles and syringes, and health and safety can be obtained from the nearest needle and syringe programme outlet, New Vision Bradford or health centre.

Bradford Needle Exchange Contractors

A complete up to date list of all Bradford District Needle Exchanges along with a map and guide to using online needle service provision can be found on the New Vision Bradford website.

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