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Advice for new food businesses

How and when do I register my new food business?

You need to register your food business 28 days before opening.

If you operate a mobile food business you will need to register your vehicle with the local authority whose catchment includes the address where you keep the mobile van overnight.

Where can I find advice how to obey food hygiene law?

General food safety advice can be found at the Food Standards Agency website which also has some very useful videos covering food safety.

When will I be inspected?

You will not be inspected immediately after registering with the council. Priority for inspections will depend on your business’s level of food safety risk.

If you wish to receive a visit before opening your business please contact our Food Safety Section who can advise on the applicable charges.

Who will inspect my business?

An officer from the Food Safety Section of Bradford Council’s Environmental Health department will inspect your business for food hygiene and safety.

The officer should show you their identification card.

Further information

If you plan to run a food business from your home you must still obey food hygiene law. Further information can be found on the running a food business from your home kitchen page.

Useful information of food hygiene law for mobile food business can be found on the guidance on setting up a mobile food business page.

You will need to contact other council services depending on what kind of business you are planning to run.

Contact details

Food Safety Section
Department of Public Health
Environmental Health
5th floor
Britannia House

Phone : 01274 437766