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Reducing your emissions

In the UK 40% of CO2 emissions are caused by individuals, mostly from energy used in the home, driving and air travel.

Here are a few easy ways to cut your own emissions:

Save energy

  • saving energy will save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon emissions
  • insulate your home
  • heat your home efficiently
  • switch off appliances
  • light your home with energy saving bulbs

Change your travel habits

Transport has a major impact on our environment, it is causing air pollution, affecting our health, causes congestion and the fuel used is releasing CO2. A quarter of all car journeys are less than 2 miles, to reduce your emissions consider other types of transport.

  • walk more often
  • get on your bike
  • use public transport
  • drive smarter – plan journeys and drive more efficiently
  • try car sharing or using car clubs
  • Turn off your engine when stationary - do not idle
  • avoid flying

Conserve water

Rain water is free but energy is used to make it fit to drink, piping it to our homes, heating it and disposing of it afterwards.

Climate change may mean higher temperatures and more droughts so conserving our water supplies, using water wisely and protecting it from pollution is very important.

On average each person in the UK currently uses about 150 litres of water every day and much of this is wasted.

  • turn off taps, don’t leave them running
  • fix any leaks
  • take a shower instead of a bath
  • only boil as much water as you need in the kettle
  • use dishwashers and washing machines on full loads and use the ECO setting
  • minimise the amount of water you use to wash your car by using a sponge and bucket
  • avoid using hosepipes
  • get a water butt to collate rainwater to water plants or wash your car

Reduce your waste

  • recycle as much as you can
  • get a home composting bin 
  • avoid disposable items
  • reuse and repair old or broken items
  • donate furniture, clothes and electrical items to charity shops

Think about what you buy

Lots of energy goes into making the products we buy and everything we do buy is made from valuable natural resources.

  • buy energy efficient appliances
  • buy products made from recycled materials
  • buy seasonal flowers, fruit and vegetables or try growing your own
  • buy products produced locally
  • avoid over-packaged goods
  • avoid carrier bags - remember to take a 'Bag for Life'

Green gardening

There are lots of things you can do in your own garden to alleviate climate change and look after the environment and wildlife.

  • choose wildlife friendly plants and plants suited to the climate
  • don't buy peat, opt for peat-free or make your own compost by composting your garden and food waste
  • avoid paving or concrete – paving over gardens can create localised flooding
  • plant a tree – trees help tackle climate change by absorbing CO2